I have some mosquitofish (gambusia affinis) that I caught in the back yard. I've had them in a tank for a few months. They were pretty small when I got them, but they have since grown up quite a bit. All of the females seem pregnant, but a couple look like they will pop. I have never seen any fry, but I'm sure that some have been born and then promptly eaten by the other tankmates. This one female looks like she will pop, but she's been pretty big for a while. Gestation is supposed to be 24 days, and I'm sure I've been watching her at least that long. The biggest one has blue areas visible from the back, the gravid spot is huge. These are not all the same individual, but you can see I have plenty of potential mommies.
Can they refuse to deliver if they don't like something about the conditions?

Can they refuse to deliver if they don't like something about the conditions?
