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Platy color identification/sightings

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  • Platy color identification/sightings

    I have a platy that I really really like that I would like to get more of, but I don't know what they call the color. (I know they kinda call them what they want ;P)
    Anywhoo...her forehead and upper half are blue/grey, her sides are iridescent, she has black spots on her sides, her tail and the back half of her body are deep orange, and her dorsal is yellow.
    I got three of these from a store that is now out of business, and the other 2 just didn't make it. I knew they weren't the healthiest when I bought them, but I *had* to have them. She fought through it all, and now is in my angel tank.
    I'd really like to get 5 others just like her for a species tank. I have been looking for more for around 2 months now, but have only seen them once in a store in Dallas. The whole tank was fungused (and for sell!!) So I obviously didn't buy any. (I won't even buy dry goods from people who sell sick animals, but thats another thread :) Learned my lesson with those platies that took so much to make better   ).

    Long post, here's the basics: what is she? where do I get more?


  • #2
    Re: Platy color identification/sightings

    I don't remember seeing any like yours. Some strains tend to be a little sickly and I have culled some pretty paltties for that reason. Maybe your survivor has a better immune system than her siblings. I think the fungus tends to set in when the water gets cold or the pH goes down. I have some brick red and orange platties that are very tough but they do not have the black spots.



    • #3
      Re: Platy color identification/sightings

      Ellen, I'd like to see a picture if you have one.


      • #4
        Re: Platy color identification/sightings

        You might like the redtailed blue variatus. It sounds simular to what you describe w/o spots. Sorry no picture:



        • #5
          Re: Platy color identification/sightings


          Max, I believe you are right that they are redtailed blue variatus platties.  Charles from Goliad Farms maybe at the auction next Sunday and could have some there.  Or Prosper orders from him at Aqua Zoo and could possible order you some in.  Ellen you should join the Houston Livebearer Association.  I have a couple platties simular to these but they have the plum tails and it will be a few months before I have any big enough to sell.


          • #6
            Re: Platy color identification/sightings

            Wow thanks for all the responses!

            Guppymax, I don't know what their water temp was at the store, but mine is always at 82. Also the water here has a high pH, its not something I test for, but I know its ~8.2 out of the faucet. The few times I have tested pH, it has also been ~8.2. They could have come from somewhere else and the high pH was a shock or maybe they were kept colder in the store than they were accustomed to.

            Houstonfishbox, I'd love to show you a picture of her, but she is impossible to photograph. She's very good at turning just as I'm shooting. I have so many almost pictures of her that its frustrating. Also, the angels tend to get in the way and I have issues with trying to shoot them in the bowfront. :P I'm going to have to catch her and photograph her in a box to get a photo that looks like anything. I'm out of town for awhile but as soon as I get back I'll try to get up the energy to do that and get a pic up here.

            Guppymax, thanks for the name! I'll try asking around for that. We'll see what happens...

            ken/mark, I'm not going to be able to make the auction. My fiance is working in Dallas right now, I'm living in College Station, and my parents are in Baytown. I'm trying to help my parents out with some stuff in between school semesters. I spend most weekends away from my home. That is also why I cannot join something like a fish assoc. at this time. If I could find the time (and the money!) right now, I'd use it to get my dog into agility classes, I think she'd love it!    What does the plum tail look like, is it like a spade shape? Is that dominant or recessive?

            Genetically, how many generations do you think it would take before I had fish like her that make fish like her if I crossed her with either blue or yellow platies (which are easier to obtain and may be hardier)?


            • #7
              Re: Platy color identification/sightings

              I don't know how the color genetics is going to work. I think the best bet would be to breed her back to a son that has as many as possible of the traits you want. Membership in the Houston Livebearers Association is free and members can participate as much or as little as they desire:



              • #8
                Re: Platy color identification/sightings

                Thanks for the tip on breeding. I really don't see the point of joining an organization if I am not going to be able to participate in it. In a year or so I will graduate (fingers crossed), and then we will move to Houston (fingers and toes crossed), and then I can join and be active in this sort of thing. Until then, I am trying to keep it down to the three tanks, no meetings, no large breeding operations.



                • #9
                  Re: Platy color identification/sightings

                  here she is, sorry these are so blurry


                  • #10
                    Re: Platy color identification/sightings

                    one more


                    • #11
                      Re: Platy color identification/sightings

                      My dad just  bought two females of these from a pet store in Galveston that are ready to drop their babies.  They did come from Golied Farms and are the redtailed varieties platies.  This stock is a more yellow in the front half where the blue color is but we will probably have some blues.  He can buy you a pair or trio if you want to go that way and are going to be at one of the meetings we attend in Houston.  We also have these in the plume tail that are a few weeks old.  


                      • #12
                        Re: Platy color identification/sightings


                        Mark is correct from above plus Prosper & Shannon from Aqua Zoo on the eastside of Houston also buy from Golied Farms and can order these in if they do not have any instock.  They are who we bought the plume tails form of this variety.  They could run 4-7dollars a pair.  The pictures are good and made it easy to ID the platies.  later, ken


                        • #13
                          Re: Platy color identification/sightings

                          Wow, thanks for the information guys! I found out that I'm moving at the beginning of July (out of the ghetto, into an actual house!) so I've decided to put the platy plans on hold until then. Plus my actual house has an actual fish room, I mean garage, attached to it, for all my fishkeeping pleasure...the platy breeding program will probably start in mid-July.  :wink:
                          Is this the address for aqua zoo:
                          Aqua Zoo
                          1749 W 34th St
                          Houston, TX 77018-6217
                          ?? It was hard for me to find online. If this is it, it is really convenient, I go by that part of town at least once a month.  

                          Thanks again,


                          • #14
                            Re: Platy color identification/sightings

                            No that is all wrong:

                            15502 Galveston Rd.
                            Suite 112
                            Webster Texas
                            281 286 2238



                            • #15
                              Re: Platy color identification/sightings

                              Aha! Thank you so much!


