I have a platy that I really really like that I would like to get more of, but I don't know what they call the color. (I know they kinda call them what they want ;P)
Anywhoo...her forehead and upper half are blue/grey, her sides are iridescent, she has black spots on her sides, her tail and the back half of her body are deep orange, and her dorsal is yellow.
I got three of these from a store that is now out of business, and the other 2 just didn't make it. I knew they weren't the healthiest when I bought them, but I *had* to have them. She fought through it all, and now is in my angel tank.
I'd really like to get 5 others just like her for a species tank. I have been looking for more for around 2 months now, but have only seen them once in a store in Dallas. The whole tank was fungused (and for sell!!) So I obviously didn't buy any. (I won't even buy dry goods from people who sell sick animals, but thats another thread :) Learned my lesson with those platies that took so much to make better ).
Long post, here's the basics: what is she? where do I get more?
I have a platy that I really really like that I would like to get more of, but I don't know what they call the color. (I know they kinda call them what they want ;P)
Anywhoo...her forehead and upper half are blue/grey, her sides are iridescent, she has black spots on her sides, her tail and the back half of her body are deep orange, and her dorsal is yellow.
I got three of these from a store that is now out of business, and the other 2 just didn't make it. I knew they weren't the healthiest when I bought them, but I *had* to have them. She fought through it all, and now is in my angel tank.
I'd really like to get 5 others just like her for a species tank. I have been looking for more for around 2 months now, but have only seen them once in a store in Dallas. The whole tank was fungused (and for sell!!) So I obviously didn't buy any. (I won't even buy dry goods from people who sell sick animals, but thats another thread :) Learned my lesson with those platies that took so much to make better ).
Long post, here's the basics: what is she? where do I get more?