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Green Lyretail Sailfins from islander

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  • Green Lyretail Sailfins from islander

    I am so excited to announce my Green Lyretail Sailfins are finally coming mature.
    I got a few juveniles from islander a while back, and I had 3 females get pretty good size. Then, 'cause I lead a clean life, one of the biggest females turned male.
    I now have the most beautiful Green Lyretail Sailfin male, and I am breeding him to my large females.
    Several of the recent juveniles I got are growing so fast, bronze heads and bellies with outstanding sailfins...I sit and watch them just because they are just so beautiful!
    My own Platinum and Dalmation juvies are just now growing their sailfins, and are so nice . Although I now have about 10 females and at least 15 males; they keep maturing and turning male on me!
    The older and bigger a Sailfin gets before maturing, the better the fish, so I can't complain.
    Those who got to see Mike's pair of Green Lyretails at his shop, those are the parents of mine.
    The Platinums I have, have no color on their fins, except platinum spots on the sailfin. The males are the most beautiful Sailfins I have ever seen. I am blessed!
    Working for a better Future for my Fish!
    75, 29
    All my other tanks have gone on to better lives!

    Sailfin Mollies, Plecos, Corys,, 1 lonely Jewel Cichlid

  • #2
    Re: Green Lyretail Sailfins from islander

    700g Mini-Monster tank


    • #3
      Re: Green Lyretail Sailfins from islander

      We wanna see!!
      "Millennium hand and shrimp!"


      • #4
        Re: Green Lyretail Sailfins from islander

        I have no digital camera. and my 35mm has a flash which will probably ruin any of the pics I have taken already.
        Go to

        and bring up Green Lyretail Sailfin pic, in a month my male will look like that!

        Or come to a GHAC meeting where I usually donate my juvies for the raffle and see them LIVE!
        Sorry... :(
        Working for a better Future for my Fish!
        75, 29
        All my other tanks have gone on to better lives!

        Sailfin Mollies, Plecos, Corys,, 1 lonely Jewel Cichlid

