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Sheldon Resevoir Collection

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  • #31
    Re: Sheldon Resevoir Collection

    When I bought my house in '94 it had elephant ears in the front flowerbed.  I hated them cause they crowded out anything else I wanted to plant.  I pulled them out constantly for about 2 years, then laid down plastic and dug 1' of the soil out - sifting out the bulbs by hand.  I replaced the soil, and added some garden mix from a dirt yard and even then every so often I'd see elephants popping up.  They're still growing, even though I pull them frequently.  

    They're one of the worst things I've ever had to try and get rid of.  

    I've always burned plants that I didn't want to spread and needed to get rid of.  Now that I've got crayfish in my tanks, I can't have enough plants - they eat/destroy anything I put in with them.  So if anyone has plant clippings to destroy I can certainly help you out there.  They gobble up anachris and hornwort quicker then I can grow it.
    The ultimate oxymoron - Narcolepsy and ADHD.
    Who says you can`t have it all??!!


    • #32
      Re: Sheldon Resevoir Collection

      The Lazy Gardener is the name of a regular column that is in Saturdays Star section. Here is a link to the article if you want to read it.

      The chinese tallow has leaves that contain toxins, so that creates unfavorable soil conditions. That is what is said in the article, among other things. I already knew this because I had looked up Chinaberry tree and found out that wasn't what I had. After research I found out that it is birds that make this tree so prolific. They get the berries, fly off and drop them around the area and new trees srout from that. Or maybe it's the squirrels. I know I have a few plants in my yard that I didn't plant. I wasn't very concerned about this tree though because we mulch the yard, and the grass grows under the tree, the bridfeeder isn't close to it, so . . . But I do scour the area for new sprouts and yank them out when I find them.

      We had elephant ears when we moved in this house back in '87. I liked them - my DH didn't. He did something to them (I have no idea what) and they were gone. I thought they would turn back up the next year, but they are permanently gone.

