Nah, a power filter should be fine. If you're planning on raising the fry separately, then you might think about a sponge filter, or putting a sponge over the intake of whatever filter you're using, but otherwise, with plants and stuff in the main tank, the fry will mostly stay hidden.
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bluefin killifish
i love natives of all sorts, but these guys are especially pretty. i still have one in a community tank and its doing fine. actually i picked up 2 darters the other day when from aquarium world, they came in with their feeders as wellNever fear I is here
David Abeles
Vice President
Greater Houston Aquarium Club
Oh and i didnt see it mentioned earlier but for breeding, often using frozen or even live food tends to beef up the parents into breeding mode easier, not just for killies but for a great many fish.Never fear I is here
David Abeles
Vice President
Greater Houston Aquarium Club