I recently saw some at Tom Bass Regional Park but I didn't manage to catch any. I've been back several times and haven't seen them. Any tips on catching them there, or other locations around Houston or Katy I can easily catch some?
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Trying to catch longear sunfish
I have actually found that fly fishing baits (the fake fly's made from thread and feathers) work great. They will steal any bait and are tricky to catch, but when they see the moving fly they swallow it instinctively and are a breeze. I've devastated populations near docks that are master bait stealers that way and most are huge (eating size).In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
Desiderius Erasmus
GHAC President
I live on the Eastside , I take my kids to sheldon resivoir and catch sunfish , brim and all kinds of small fish with very small hooks and cut up worm . Depending on the temprature of the day ,they will be at differnt depth . I rig a line up with a weight and bait and slowly let it down lower and lower until I get a bite . Then I rig my kids lines with floaters at about the same depth and let them catch away . This is on a small peir by the way .Don't tell fish stories where people know you; but particularly, don't tell them where they know the fish.
Mark Twain
Thanks for the replies. I've been trying with corn and bread. I caught a bluegill with bread, but the longears stole my bait last time, and now I can't seem to find them, probably because it's been a bit chillier the last couple times. I might try Hermann Park, but it says fishing is restricted to those under 12 or over 65. Will anybody actually stop me? (I'm 25)
Dude, just get some earthworms from walmart or academy and use a really small hook. Put the hook under a bobber and you should have great success. Corn is too soft, bread is too soft. Earthworms stay on the hook and you will be able to use them longer without the fish being able to steal the bait.210gPetrochromis Macrognatus Green 'Nsumbu
125g Mdoka White Lip
"Success is the willingness to fail"