I figured if it wasnt really a red they might be female. Any suggestions on if my train of thought was correct?
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Is it a Red Texas?
no even females are red sometimes. the color red (in general sense) really has nothing to do with its gender. its that they fade into the color red/orange/yellow depending on the grade of the rt which can make these guys very fun to raise up. when rt are born they dont come out red or at least that i've seen of. Maybe Tony have seen some red prefaded rt frys. XD there are many cases of a unfaded RT. I have one thats a unfaded male and its the sibiling of tony's male RT. tony's RT is red but is also a unfaded one as well (base upon last update i saw him), just that tony's rt got some really good genes on him. heres a pic to compare :] this is my non faded rt as of yet.
a friend of mine shevagol also said that "Late faders are deep faders (provided that they have good color genes passed down)
Many red texas that fade when young generally keep fading many times as it matures... The ones that fade when bigger and more mature are likely to retain their colors more."
Hopefully from what he said if im lucky mines will fade. But there are some nonfaded rt that looks dazzling like Tony's. :] I feel that non faded high quality SRT are very rare for most of them are culled in the progress before they get a chance to shine.
heres a link to my non fade rt progress thread. hope it can better give you and idea of how a rt can change over time. http://flowerhornrusforum.com/topic/8588134/1/Last edited by Fishmaker; 07-17-2012, 03:48 AM.
numbers 3 & 4 is a good looking fish!Originally posted by BrAin View PostBought a "red" texas from a lfs a couple weeks ago and now I'm wondering if it really is a red or maybe just a green. I took a couple shots of it and the green I got from Crusher as a comparison. The red is still fairly young so I could be wrong and it might change later. Let me know what you think.
best to just give a bit of time to grow out and see any development of pearls. cause mine wasn't red at all when he was 1inch but he did have a bit pearls on him. Possibly yours can a be a low grade rt?? maybe. only a bit of time will tell. im thinking maybe is just your classic yellow base flowerhorn with possible fade genetics in them. thats another possibility. looking forward to some update when they get bigger. hope they show/reveal their identity a bit more. for now they are very mysterious little 1inch frys.
I wouldn't even consider the 2 fry you have Texas hybrids. That's what I meant when I said they weren't red texas. Grow em out a little and you can figure out what they are, but I'm 110% certain that they are no where near RT or Texas hybrids.
anybody wanna see my texas?
IMG_20120718_025722.jpgmy fish house:
2.5g- ramshorn hatchery
6g eclipse- yellow shrimp, chili rasboras, yellow apple snails
29g- geo grow-out, angels, 12"fire eel, dwarf frog, apple snails
45g- jade sleeper gobies, native killifish, feeder endlers
75g- 2 oscars, parrot, silver dollars, albino channel cat, syno euptera, bichir, baby jaguar, convicts, yabby
125g- fahaka puffer, rainbow shark
and about a dozen bettas....
200 - African cichlids
72 - Salty Bow Front
33 Cube - community
10's - Freshwater Shrimp
Originally posted by BrAin View Postjust wanted to update. I'm leaning towards Jack Dempsey. Maybe a cross of that and some other. I'm still not sure what it is. The other two still look the same right now. This one is a bully and is growing like crazy.
I used to have a 6 ft tank full of texas cichlids in my dining room, and to me it looks like this is 1/2 texas, 1/2 dempsey. on a side note, is it just me or does the fish look bloated?my fish house:
2.5g- ramshorn hatchery
6g eclipse- yellow shrimp, chili rasboras, yellow apple snails
29g- geo grow-out, angels, 12"fire eel, dwarf frog, apple snails
45g- jade sleeper gobies, native killifish, feeder endlers
75g- 2 oscars, parrot, silver dollars, albino channel cat, syno euptera, bichir, baby jaguar, convicts, yabby
125g- fahaka puffer, rainbow shark
and about a dozen bettas....
Originally posted by allysangels View PostI used to have a 6 ft tank full of texas cichlids in my dining room, and to me it looks like this is 1/2 texas, 1/2 dempsey. on a side note, is it just me or does the fish look bloated?ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ