Thought this might be interesting. I caught this crappie in my small (100 feet by 50 feet) pond today using a castnet. White_Crappie.jpg
I have caught from that pond, bullhead cats, channel cats, large mouth bass, plenty of blue crabs, mullet, shad, bluegill, ladyfish, guppies, mollies. I saw a catfish ball earlier this year and today caught several 2.5 inch bullhead cats. They are in an aquarium now. I caught 20 or so baby bluegill and some other type of sunfish today also. This pond drains into a swamp which drains into Chocolate Bayou. Occasionally, the bayou will rise enough that it will spill over into the pond and so I have fresh and saltwater critters in the pond. Interesting that these particular salt and freshwater species have that much tolerance of salt level. The shad and mullets apparently are breeding in there because I catch large amounts of babies there.
I included a pic of a water moccasin in my swamp. This pic is from a few months ago. The carp was caught in the bayou a few months ago. I also caught a tarpon in the bayou with the cast net. It was about 18 inches, just a baby!
I have caught from that pond, bullhead cats, channel cats, large mouth bass, plenty of blue crabs, mullet, shad, bluegill, ladyfish, guppies, mollies. I saw a catfish ball earlier this year and today caught several 2.5 inch bullhead cats. They are in an aquarium now. I caught 20 or so baby bluegill and some other type of sunfish today also. This pond drains into a swamp which drains into Chocolate Bayou. Occasionally, the bayou will rise enough that it will spill over into the pond and so I have fresh and saltwater critters in the pond. Interesting that these particular salt and freshwater species have that much tolerance of salt level. The shad and mullets apparently are breeding in there because I catch large amounts of babies there.
I included a pic of a water moccasin in my swamp. This pic is from a few months ago. The carp was caught in the bayou a few months ago. I also caught a tarpon in the bayou with the cast net. It was about 18 inches, just a baby!