Stunning! I love the plants you've used. Very peaceful feeling to me.
When I saw your first set of pictures, what really grabbed me was your driftwood. So bold. So different. Not at all what I see in most tanks, and that drew my interest. Too many tanks that are really well done tend to look too much alike. I like the way this tank has its own style.
Since I have a number of fish that like caves, my favorite part is the middle where the driftwood creates a natural cave. I could see a group of loaches poking their heads out from there. Or maybe Pelvicachromis guarding their new fry. In that case, the fish would complete the scape instead of just plants.
As the tank has grown in, it began to feel crowded and undefined to me. I look forward to when you trim it to give more definition between the plants and to add more levels to the background.
My least favorite part is the rock on the far right. To be honest, my thought when I saw it was that it was being used to hold the driftwood in place. It didn't add to the overall appearance. It reminds me of a concrete pillar (okay, a concrete chunk, I suppose).
Most remarkable to me, though, is that this is a 10g tank. So many people (ahem, feeling guilty here) try to scale everything down to give the appearance of a larger tank. But using that chunky driftwood and large drifts of plants accomplishes it beautifully. I didn't even realize this was a 10g tank until someone mentioned it, and even then, I had to double check the thread title to be sure.
Very beautiful tank! I can't wait to see it as you continue to fine tune it. I wish I had such talent!
When I saw your first set of pictures, what really grabbed me was your driftwood. So bold. So different. Not at all what I see in most tanks, and that drew my interest. Too many tanks that are really well done tend to look too much alike. I like the way this tank has its own style.
Since I have a number of fish that like caves, my favorite part is the middle where the driftwood creates a natural cave. I could see a group of loaches poking their heads out from there. Or maybe Pelvicachromis guarding their new fry. In that case, the fish would complete the scape instead of just plants.
As the tank has grown in, it began to feel crowded and undefined to me. I look forward to when you trim it to give more definition between the plants and to add more levels to the background.
My least favorite part is the rock on the far right. To be honest, my thought when I saw it was that it was being used to hold the driftwood in place. It didn't add to the overall appearance. It reminds me of a concrete pillar (okay, a concrete chunk, I suppose).
Most remarkable to me, though, is that this is a 10g tank. So many people (ahem, feeling guilty here) try to scale everything down to give the appearance of a larger tank. But using that chunky driftwood and large drifts of plants accomplishes it beautifully. I didn't even realize this was a 10g tank until someone mentioned it, and even then, I had to double check the thread title to be sure.
Very beautiful tank! I can't wait to see it as you continue to fine tune it. I wish I had such talent!