Hey everyone, I just came back from the auction with some Java Moss, Cork Screw Val, and Sagittaria Subulata.
The two upright plants I only have one question: "What type of liquid fertilizer should I add to the water that will help them, in a Discus tank?
The Java moss I have two questions. The first one is the same as above: What liquid fert should I add?" and the other is: "How exactly is it installed on driftwood?" Do I just wrap it around, shove it in, and make it stick any way possible??
I know these are silly day-one questions, but I really don't know. Thanks!
The two upright plants I only have one question: "What type of liquid fertilizer should I add to the water that will help them, in a Discus tank?
The Java moss I have two questions. The first one is the same as above: What liquid fert should I add?" and the other is: "How exactly is it installed on driftwood?" Do I just wrap it around, shove it in, and make it stick any way possible??
I know these are silly day-one questions, but I really don't know. Thanks!