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What kind of plants go well for a Discus tank?

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  • What kind of plants go well for a Discus tank?

    I'm planning on doing a 55 gallon planted tank. I was hoping to have about 3 discus in the tank. I was wondering what kind of plants go well with them or does it matter what kind of plants I use?

  • #2
    Well its your choice but i think Vals Corkscrew or regular Vallisneria would look good for discus also Red Tiger Lotus but at the end is up to you


    • #3
      i dont know what plant you will pick but be careful, with only 3 discus, your fish will just gather in the corner of your tank, never swim around. and the big challege between plant and discus is ph, c02(+ph) vs discus (low ph). if i was you, i will add more discus(about 8 in total) and go with anubias(low tech,easy grow-just need light)


      • #4
        Actually CO2 lowers pH adding CO2 to water creates carbonic acid a weak acid. The problem generally with CO2 and discus is hardness carbon increases the kH rating and discus generally love low kH. This isnt always true I would recommend trying whatever and see if it works. I have only java fern and several types of anubias in my discus tank. I know Wesley had heavy planted tank CO2 and the works and had discus in there for years no problem but he did take it down and says the discus like it more with out the CO2 but that shows it is possible if you want it.
        Resident fish bum
        330G FOWLR
        34G Reef
        330G Discus biotopish (no longer running)
        28G JBJ Reef (no longer running)
        Treasurer, GHAC


        • #5
          go here and take a look the plants are for warm water aquariums


          • #6
            I use crypts of various sorts, swords, anubias. 3 isn't a good number, 5 is much better. 2 will gang up on the third, more fish spread the aggression out and lessen stress. 10 gallons per fish is a general rule.


            • #7
              1 for 10 gallons is for adults if your planning on doing juvies 7-8 would be ok


              • #8
                +1 on Darbex comments, CO2 lowers pH.

                check this web page out.
                Houston Areas Aquatic Plant Society


                • #9
                  Thanks Kevin that was a great article and I learned a couple of things from it. I will say that it answers my own question on my O-cat and I think it was the culprit behind the death of one of my discus because he had the damages that the article mentions about them.
                  Resident fish bum
                  330G FOWLR
                  34G Reef
                  330G Discus biotopish (no longer running)
                  28G JBJ Reef (no longer running)
                  Treasurer, GHAC


                  • #10
                    Glad you liked it, Tropica's web site is a great source of well as their catalog and DVD...did I just plug something there????
                    Houston Areas Aquatic Plant Society


                    • #11
                      i think maybe you did


                      • #12
                        There's always plastic!:icon_hang:
                        PLECOS SUCK!



                        • #13
                          i disagree with the "amount of fish" being spoke of. and aggression
                          i had 1 discus then 2, then 3, up to about 10 discus in a 60 gallon planted tank. 2" discus. a 6.0ph and 86 degree temps.
                          i was injecting co2 (from the bottle) , i didnt have to turn it off and on. the levels stayed balanced. enought that the fish didnt mind.
                          i ran ( low level lighting ) in mass amounts. lol
                          i had 4 - 48" walmart shoplights ,the 9 dollar junk. they ran for 12 hrs a day. i did 50% water changes every 12 days. i did use good bulbs.
                          i think i used 3 20$ plant bulbs from walmart some 10k's @ 20$ from fish r us , and a 50-50 bulb for color.
                          my fish were as happy as they would ever be. they would swim across the front of the glass ( changing colors ) when i was in the room. and i didnt know fish could do that. (6 yrs ago.) when i had a discus setup.
                          i never saw any aggression so to speak, other than an occasional nip to get the other fish out of the way. but i wouldnt call that aggression.
                          i used the daily macro supplements from germany (daily)
                          and the weekly additives (Miro-Vit) from village tropical. Now Fish Gallery.
                          id say it all has to do with how happy the fish are and how well you treat them. ps. All fish like metallica
                          and as far as plants , i grew every plant "village tropical " sold. althought the best growth was in the onions, the sag grass, water wisteria anacharis , my tiger lotus was nuts ! rotala and a few other bunch plants. the java ferns are always slow growing and the anubias too.
                          there are some plants that do well in discus - because of the high temp , but who's to say your discus , wont acclimate to a lower temperature allowing you to grow whatever you want. mine did.

                          JUST READ THIS :

