Re: then and now...........
redid the tank and replaced substrate with eco-complete.

foreground: Elatine triandra and Hemianthus micranthemoides
mid: cryp of some kind (3 differnt looking ones) downoi, dwarf sag and Blyxa japonica.
background: bolbitis, Rotala rotundifolia, Egeria densa, and a fern tree(driftwood full of ferns)
center: a piece of driftwood that has fissiden on it.
redid the tank and replaced substrate with eco-complete.

foreground: Elatine triandra and Hemianthus micranthemoides
mid: cryp of some kind (3 differnt looking ones) downoi, dwarf sag and Blyxa japonica.
background: bolbitis, Rotala rotundifolia, Egeria densa, and a fern tree(driftwood full of ferns)
center: a piece of driftwood that has fissiden on it.