I found this on another web site. I hope it will someone.
Type of Algae Cause Solution
Black Beard Algae (BBA) Low CO2 Add CO2, trim, spot treat with Excel
Blue Green Algae (BGA) Low nitrate Blackout + add nitrate
Cladophora Low nitrate + Low CO2 Add nitrate, add CO2
Diatoms Excess silicates, Low light Wait, add catfish, use RO water/sponge
Green Dust Algae (GDA) Spores Wait out life cycle, remove + WC
Green Spot Algae (GSA) Low phosphate (+ Low CO2?) Add phosphate, possibly add more CO2
Green Water (GW) Ammonia + high light Reduce light, Wait, Small WC, UV filter
Hair Algae Excess nutrients, silicates WC, Excel, is something limited?
Milky Water Bacteria bloom Wait out, protect filter, add fish slowly
Staghorn Ammonia + low CO2 Remove, WC, protect filter, Excel
String Algae Excess nutrients WC + get biofilter working
Type of Algae Cause Solution
Black Beard Algae (BBA) Low CO2 Add CO2, trim, spot treat with Excel
Blue Green Algae (BGA) Low nitrate Blackout + add nitrate
Cladophora Low nitrate + Low CO2 Add nitrate, add CO2
Diatoms Excess silicates, Low light Wait, add catfish, use RO water/sponge
Green Dust Algae (GDA) Spores Wait out life cycle, remove + WC
Green Spot Algae (GSA) Low phosphate (+ Low CO2?) Add phosphate, possibly add more CO2
Green Water (GW) Ammonia + high light Reduce light, Wait, Small WC, UV filter
Hair Algae Excess nutrients, silicates WC, Excel, is something limited?
Milky Water Bacteria bloom Wait out, protect filter, add fish slowly
Staghorn Ammonia + low CO2 Remove, WC, protect filter, Excel
String Algae Excess nutrients WC + get biofilter working