First off I would like to thank everybody that helped me with my previous topic of finding a science fair idea. :bsty:
For My science fair project I have decide to use natural algae eaters that clean green water. I will be using the crustaceans; moina, daphnia, scuds and ghost shrimp. I have everything but the Moina and hope there is someone local that I could trade or buy some culture from. I just need a small culture (50 count) and would like to get them ASAP. Here is My contact info - cell 409-771-3305, home 409-986-6795.
For My science fair project I have decide to use natural algae eaters that clean green water. I will be using the crustaceans; moina, daphnia, scuds and ghost shrimp. I have everything but the Moina and hope there is someone local that I could trade or buy some culture from. I just need a small culture (50 count) and would like to get them ASAP. Here is My contact info - cell 409-771-3305, home 409-986-6795.