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What to do next

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  • What to do next

    ok so this is the stuff that i have so far
    -filter cartridges

    the driftwood is currently soaking in water for the past couple days

    this is what im planning to do
    get some plants
    put in aquasoil
    put in plants
    let it do its thing for a couple weeks then add like 1 or 2 fish

    im thinking of plants from this list

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    some questions

    1) what other things should i have for this fertilizers and such
    2) what should i do next step by step
    3) how many plants should i put in
    4) water changes...when and how often

    i would like to have it set up this weekend

    o its a 6 gal eclipse

  • #2
    1) Get a Test kit if you can for nitrites amoonia and nitrates. I wouldnt worry too much about ferts in a low tech setup, but maybe Seachem Flourish(not excel, just flourish). Since it is a small tank you may consider supplementing with Flourish excel for the carbon source, but care as some plants may be sensitive and melt.
    2) I usualy wing it. As soil, hardscape, fill little bit of water, add plants. Add fish(you may lose so nothign expensive). Watch water quality. Do water changes as nessary, or do water changes do something like 25% daily for 1 week, Next week every other day. Following 2 times a week Fourth week and so on once a week or as needed.
    3) As many as you can fit. The more the better, but of course I would do it to you likeing. Remember, low tech is slower growth so may take longer.
    4)See above.

    Ide keep lights on for 8 hour to start with(one week). IF you dont see too much algae then you can up the gradualy up to 12 hours if you like. You probably will get diatoms(bown spot algae) since it is a new setup but it should go away with time

    Once you get water stable add the fish you like to the tank.



    • #3
      I'd follow Kevin's water change advice for AquaSoil he gave on your other thread.
      "Millennium hand and shrimp!"

