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Help for Iwagumi tank

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  • Help for Iwagumi tank

    Hey guys! I'm starting a 10 gallon Iwagumi tank. I have 28 watts of compact flourescent lightbulbs and I have Eco-Complete as the substrate. I am doing a yeast DIY CO2. I plan on growing HC as the carpet plant and dwarf hairgrass through the mid grown and the background.

    I know that it is hard to get the tank balanced and there is a great chance I'll have many battles with algae. This is my first Iwagumi tank so I need some personal advice and guide to DO's and DON'T's for this type of tank.

    I want to be able to do the best I can to limit the algae growth. If anyone has any comments and suggestions, please feel free to lay it all on me! It'll be greatly appreciated!

    Thanks in advance guys,

  • #2
    Are you looking for advice on the iwagumi "philosophy" of planted tanks, or planted tanks in general?
    "Millennium hand and shrimp!"


    • #3
      Hi DUHK,

      Your plant selection is great for an iwagumi setup.

      From my experience with HC and eco-complete, it doesn't grow in as nice as ADA soil. The substrate is too compact and HC have a very small root system. It will grow but won't fill in as nicely or fast as I would like in eco-complete. just my 2 cent.

      If you are patience enough. Not my thing, but there is a trend lately online where people have grown HC emerse with moist substrate first and about a month or so it will fill your tank and all you need to do is fill your tank with water and add co2.
      "The word superstar really turn me off and I tell you why because the word starrrrrrr, Man is an illusionnnnn" Bruce Lee


      • #4
        I am looking for the general advice on how to maintain it and how to avoid algae. ><

        Thanks you guys!


        • #5
          Well here a general answer, use a good amount of plants to fill as much as possible, maintain good co2 level, lighting, fert level. and weekly water changes.
          "The word superstar really turn me off and I tell you why because the word starrrrrrr, Man is an illusionnnnn" Bruce Lee


          • #6
            When the HC reaches half to one inch, give them a little trim off the top inorder to promote faster growth. Then take the trimmings and plant them as well. Try doseing your tank w/ Seachem Flourish Excel accordingly along w/ your other ferts. I have a 12in cube (around 7 1/2 gal) using the same plant list your trying and lighting is a Current 36w PC fixture, and my HC is doing great for a full lush carpet.

