Bear with me, this is long.
Trying to give enough info. Since switching to the ADA AS, we have had incredibly-to-moderately cloudy water, discoloration of the water, and "weird" fish behaviour.
-90 gallon tank
-2 Eheim 2217, media: cylinders, substrat, blue and white foams.
-Coralife compact fluorescent 2 bulbs x 65w
-Added inline CO2 to the quarantine 10G for the loaches for a week, and they were fine. Running it at just over 1 bubble/second, which is lower than my homemade reactor on the 20G.
-Ammonia 0
-pH 8 (down to 7.8 the day I let it go 30 hours)
-Nitrite 0
-NitrAte 10, lowest ever in my 3 years with this tank
-Yellow, cloudy water
Established tank (guy had it for years before I got it), with cichlid sand and no problems aside from high nitrates I inherited. Didn't know the dangers, trying to be a better fish-keeper now.
Installed the AS 2 weeks ago, planted same day, and have been doing up to 2x/day 30 - 50% waterchanges using the python at low volume, and zip drops.
Cut my stocking to less than half, added slowly in the second week. The water is still yellowish and cloudy. Looks like floating dust.
Loaches may be showing normal cichlidless behaviour, but it's new to me and I'm worried about stress levels.
Obsessive group swimming halfway-up-the wall at corners, turning as a group to go back to bottom and start all over, which may be "happy to see ya" activity? Or stress? Restless and not eating--fear of being netted again? They have been ultra-piglets in the past.
Rapid fluttering of gills when they are being hyper. (Slows when they settle or go back to the loach-motel rock, but starts up again when they freeswim.) I re-introduced them to the big tank one at a time over days. The smaller ones seemed to get over the rapid fluttering in a day or so, but they also were calmly stuck in the loach motel. On addition of the last two, big ones, the synchronized wall-surfing started, and all flutter their gills.
Whew! You made it!
Any good ideas or advice? How do I make my water clear again? How concerned should I be about the loaches?

Trying to give enough info. Since switching to the ADA AS, we have had incredibly-to-moderately cloudy water, discoloration of the water, and "weird" fish behaviour.
-90 gallon tank
-2 Eheim 2217, media: cylinders, substrat, blue and white foams.
-Coralife compact fluorescent 2 bulbs x 65w
-Added inline CO2 to the quarantine 10G for the loaches for a week, and they were fine. Running it at just over 1 bubble/second, which is lower than my homemade reactor on the 20G.
-Ammonia 0
-pH 8 (down to 7.8 the day I let it go 30 hours)
-Nitrite 0
-NitrAte 10, lowest ever in my 3 years with this tank
-Yellow, cloudy water
Established tank (guy had it for years before I got it), with cichlid sand and no problems aside from high nitrates I inherited. Didn't know the dangers, trying to be a better fish-keeper now.
Installed the AS 2 weeks ago, planted same day, and have been doing up to 2x/day 30 - 50% waterchanges using the python at low volume, and zip drops.
Cut my stocking to less than half, added slowly in the second week. The water is still yellowish and cloudy. Looks like floating dust.
Loaches may be showing normal cichlidless behaviour, but it's new to me and I'm worried about stress levels.
Obsessive group swimming halfway-up-the wall at corners, turning as a group to go back to bottom and start all over, which may be "happy to see ya" activity? Or stress? Restless and not eating--fear of being netted again? They have been ultra-piglets in the past.
Rapid fluttering of gills when they are being hyper. (Slows when they settle or go back to the loach-motel rock, but starts up again when they freeswim.) I re-introduced them to the big tank one at a time over days. The smaller ones seemed to get over the rapid fluttering in a day or so, but they also were calmly stuck in the loach motel. On addition of the last two, big ones, the synchronized wall-surfing started, and all flutter their gills.
Whew! You made it!

Any good ideas or advice? How do I make my water clear again? How concerned should I be about the loaches?