So not all of us can really afford to do a high tech planted tank but that doesn't mean you can't have a pretty low tech planted tank!!
Here is my old QT tank, I had to set this tank up on the cheap. It was all I had in my new apartment and I REALLY missed the hobby of keeping an aquarium.
Basic 10g set up.
I had an old bio wheel 100 that I used for a filter. The rest is a basic 10g kit with a plant bulb of 6,700k in the regular hood.
I dose 1 cap of Flourish Excel and a 1/4 cap of Flourish with every weekly 1/3 water change. I have regular gravel with 1 root tab under the Bronze Wendii.
5 Red Phantom Tetras
Red Cherry Shrimp, and 1 Amano Shirmp
Java Fern, and Bronze Wendii
Hard Scape:
2 pieces of Mopani wood, 1 piece of lava rock and a small piece of slate
Here is my old QT tank, I had to set this tank up on the cheap. It was all I had in my new apartment and I REALLY missed the hobby of keeping an aquarium.
Basic 10g set up.
I had an old bio wheel 100 that I used for a filter. The rest is a basic 10g kit with a plant bulb of 6,700k in the regular hood.
I dose 1 cap of Flourish Excel and a 1/4 cap of Flourish with every weekly 1/3 water change. I have regular gravel with 1 root tab under the Bronze Wendii.
5 Red Phantom Tetras
Red Cherry Shrimp, and 1 Amano Shirmp
Java Fern, and Bronze Wendii
Hard Scape:
2 pieces of Mopani wood, 1 piece of lava rock and a small piece of slate