I want to share my second planted tank with all of you. It was an old 24g kindly donated by some great friends. I've never seen a tank with these dimensions before but it was perfect for my Ikea stand.
I took off the trim, filed the edges and spray painted the background black. Some plants were grown from cuttings from my 10g office tank. Pics were taken today at 2 months. Again, thanks for all the info and advice. It takes a village.
Substrate: ADA Aquasoil (thanks kevinly)
Lighting: 30" Coralife 65w PC, 6700k
Filter: Eheim 2211 (thanks kevinly)
Ferts: Seachem Flourish twice weekly
Manzanita wood and moss rock from HAW (thanks Dustin)
Rotala Indica
Rotala Waliichii
Rotala sp 'green' (thanks kwc1974)
Stuargoyne sp 'porto velo' (thanks kwc1974)
Blyxa japonica
Micranthemum umbrosum
Ludwigia Repens
Heteranthera zosterifolia
Vesicularia dubyana
5 Celestichthys margaritatus
10 Trigonostigma heteromorpha (thanks OrandaMan)
3 Otocinclus vestitus
1 Neon Swordtail
1 Atyopsis moluccensis
A lot of Red Cherry Shrimp

I took off the trim, filed the edges and spray painted the background black. Some plants were grown from cuttings from my 10g office tank. Pics were taken today at 2 months. Again, thanks for all the info and advice. It takes a village.
Substrate: ADA Aquasoil (thanks kevinly)
Lighting: 30" Coralife 65w PC, 6700k
Filter: Eheim 2211 (thanks kevinly)
Ferts: Seachem Flourish twice weekly
Manzanita wood and moss rock from HAW (thanks Dustin)
Rotala Indica
Rotala Waliichii
Rotala sp 'green' (thanks kwc1974)
Stuargoyne sp 'porto velo' (thanks kwc1974)
Blyxa japonica
Micranthemum umbrosum
Ludwigia Repens
Heteranthera zosterifolia
Vesicularia dubyana
5 Celestichthys margaritatus
10 Trigonostigma heteromorpha (thanks OrandaMan)
3 Otocinclus vestitus
1 Neon Swordtail
1 Atyopsis moluccensis
A lot of Red Cherry Shrimp
