Like many folks, by-products of my garage sale adventures include several small tanks that were in the big tanks that I bought on purpose. I have 2 2.5 gallon glass tanks and a 1.5 gallon goofy little triange tank. I would like to somehow do plants in these small tanks as a desk-top type setup. Maybe a small fish or two to keep the cycle going, but nothing high-tech, if you can even do high-tech in a tank that small. I have extra HOB filters, but these seem pretty big for the little tanks, even thought they are the smallest size I have found locally. In other words, they'd work, but aren't asthetically pleasing.
The tanks could have a two-fold purpose. Something nice to look at, and also a sort of nursery tank for my bigger tanks.
I figure after spending hours reading the posts and journals on this forum that you all definitely have the knowledge to say yay or nay to this idea. The smallest tanks I've seen discussed, however, were 10 gallons.
Either way, I can go with it. After all, if my idea has no merit, they'd make cool houseplant planters also. Or ant farms, or brine shrimp hatcheries........

The tanks could have a two-fold purpose. Something nice to look at, and also a sort of nursery tank for my bigger tanks.
I figure after spending hours reading the posts and journals on this forum that you all definitely have the knowledge to say yay or nay to this idea. The smallest tanks I've seen discussed, however, were 10 gallons.
Either way, I can go with it. After all, if my idea has no merit, they'd make cool houseplant planters also. Or ant farms, or brine shrimp hatcheries........
