I have been doing some reading about planted tanks and think I would like to try live plants in my tanks to help with water filtration and to improve the looks of the tanks.
The problems are that I have a brown thumb when it comes to greenery and am not willing to go to the expense of a high tech setup.
Any advice or information on what would be good low maintaince and low light plants for my tanks and where to get them?
My tanks are.
A. 14G., 1" PFS substrate, 2 x 13 watt CFS lights, med bioload of plattys with sm pleco for algae control.
B. 29G., 1" PFS substrate, 1 x 20 watt 24" FS light (upgrading to 2 tube fixtures soon),light bioload of 1 golden gourami,3 clown loaches,2 kuhli loaches and 1 sm pleco.
c. 46G. 1" sm river gravel \ 0.5" PFS / 1-1.5 sm river gravel (sunken river bed), 1 x 20 watt 24" FS light (upgrading to 4 tube fixture soon), light bioload of 5 mixed small mbuna cichlids and 1 sm-med pleco.
Mike B
I have been doing some reading about planted tanks and think I would like to try live plants in my tanks to help with water filtration and to improve the looks of the tanks.
The problems are that I have a brown thumb when it comes to greenery and am not willing to go to the expense of a high tech setup.
Any advice or information on what would be good low maintaince and low light plants for my tanks and where to get them?
My tanks are.
A. 14G., 1" PFS substrate, 2 x 13 watt CFS lights, med bioload of plattys with sm pleco for algae control.
B. 29G., 1" PFS substrate, 1 x 20 watt 24" FS light (upgrading to 2 tube fixtures soon),light bioload of 1 golden gourami,3 clown loaches,2 kuhli loaches and 1 sm pleco.
c. 46G. 1" sm river gravel \ 0.5" PFS / 1-1.5 sm river gravel (sunken river bed), 1 x 20 watt 24" FS light (upgrading to 4 tube fixture soon), light bioload of 5 mixed small mbuna cichlids and 1 sm-med pleco.
Mike B