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New planted tank journal!

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  • #31
    Re: New planted tank journal!

    Love the Angels....the tank is looking really nice.
    Yeah I was thinking about ordering from Aquadise but I'm worried about that happening to me too. Let me know how the plants are when you get them, please. :wink:


    • #32
      Re: New planted tank journal!

      I have read that they come really healthy looking but I think they aren't gonna be as nice looking as it would if I were to pick them up.
      700g Mini-Monster tank


      • #33
        Re: New planted tank journal!

        Very nice! It's looking great, and the angels look happy! 8) I'd still keep a close eye on those little puffers though! What's your plan for when your angels grow up?



        • #34
          Re: New planted tank journal!

          They do look happy, I'm glad they're getting along with your original one! And I love the little puffer in the last picture.  :)

          How's the HC doing? I have what you gave me in a ziplock bag full of water on top of my 15g, under the light. I don't want to risk putting it into the tank until the emersed growth is gone - the snails I have in there would gobble it up in seconds, they love emersed plants.  
          "Millennium hand and shrimp!"


          • #35
            Re: New planted tank journal!

            Ellen, I thought about what I would do when these angels get bigger cause I know the 30g is gonna get too small for them and came to the conclusion that with my track record I would eventually upgrade this tank again to possibly a 4'. If I for whatever reason don't upgrade by the time these get bigger hopefully a pair would have formed and the rest will be in the Fish Market for sale. The puffers will eventually get moved to a new home but if the angels don't bother them which so far they just ignore each other they might just stay in there.

            Mzungu, The little puffer just cruises around with the angels all day long! before they would hide in the bushes waiting to pounce anything passing by but I think they have learned that the angels get to the food that the fingers drop in. It's pretty cool cause the angels and the puffers snatch food out of my finger tips. With the angels there was a little pecking and the biggest of the newbies really duked it out with the old one but they settled it.
            The HC seems to be doing really good for me and only had a little die off of a couple of leaves. I think it's starting to grow out and spread but I do have 192w glowing on this tank so that might be helping it switch.
            If you have a little breeder net or tray you could float in the tank it would work better than the ziploc. I think HC does better with co2 supplement and you could just float it in the floating nursery. I read that HC establishes much better floating and you get better root growth too.
            700g Mini-Monster tank


            • #36
              Re: New planted tank journal!

              here are some better pictures of the angesl,puffers and the HC.

              700g Mini-Monster tank


              • #37
                Re: New planted tank journal!

                Great pictures, thanks! I'm going to see what I can find lying around at home for the HC...thanks for the suggestion.  
                "Millennium hand and shrimp!"


                • #38
                  Re: New planted tank journal!

                  crazy awesome tank. i cant wait to get some dwarf puffers of my own.
                  Never fear I is here
                  David Abeles
                  Vice President
                  Greater Houston Aquarium Club


                  • #39
                    Re: New planted tank journal!

                    I'm still waiting for some plants to come from Aquadise and I should be finished and will be able to finally sit back and watch it all fill in.

                    thanks for the comments people, the puffers are freaking hoot to watch!
                    700g Mini-Monster tank


                    • #40
                      Re: New planted tank journal!

                      Got the plants today which were somewhat backordered and it looks like some of them might have been grown emersed like teh Limno Aromaica and the Ammania Gracilis but they are in the tank and an email was sent to Aquadise.

                      Took some pictures of them along with some progress on my HC that didn't really need a transition from emersed grown and is starting to grow horizontal now!!!

                      Ludwiga Arcuata

                      Ammania Gracilis

                      Limno Aromatica

                      Rotala sp.Green starting to spread

                      Blyxa Japonica coming back to life after a mean overdose of Excel.

                      Here are some full tank shots and now I can sit back and let things fill in!

                      700g Mini-Monster tank


                      • #41
                        Re: New planted tank journal!

                        Your tank is looking really nice!!
                        That's why I wanted an update on Aquadise...I've heard really mixed reviews. I'm sure that since we live in Houston the plants are a little bit better off, but people that have ordered from him in Ohio have said HORRIBLE things about him.
                        So over all do you think you got what you paid for????


                        • #42
                          Re: New planted tank journal!

                          Looks great! 8)  I love seeing full tank shots.  



                          • #43
                            Re: New planted tank journal!

                            I love the new plants.  Your tank is looking great.
                            58G Malawis
                            10G planted


                            • #44
                              Re: New planted tank journal!

                              My HC seems to being doing pretty well in the ziplock, as well. It looks like there's new growth on all the pieces, so I'll be able to plant it soon! Thanks again, ek.

                              It looks great! Enjoy the sitting back and enjoying - doesn't happen too often with a planted tank!  
                              "Millennium hand and shrimp!"


                              • #45
                                Re: New planted tank journal!

                                sometimes you luck out. and sometimes you get a lot of time to spend on fish stuff (usualyl when you shoudlnt   ) but the tank looks wonderful.
                                Never fear I is here
                                David Abeles
                                Vice President
                                Greater Houston Aquarium Club

