Well, almost... 
I have everything I need, though! Woohoo!
Thank you Geoff for the lights, driftwood, and help moving it so long ago. :kissu:
And thanks Ryan (mhx) for the CO2, and ADG for the tank and the AquaSoil!
Here's the tank with the piece of driftwood I'm planning on using. (Originally Jacob's - thanks!)

Here's the fish-eye view:

And here's my planned plant placement (so far...Suggestions welcome!)

Dark Green = Madagascar Lace
Light Green = Dwarf Hairgrass
Pink = Some kind of Rotala or Ludwigia
Blue Dots = Bolbitis
I'm going to use AquaSoil Africana. :)
I'm so excited I get to finally set this up!

I have everything I need, though! Woohoo!
Thank you Geoff for the lights, driftwood, and help moving it so long ago. :kissu:
And thanks Ryan (mhx) for the CO2, and ADG for the tank and the AquaSoil!
Here's the tank with the piece of driftwood I'm planning on using. (Originally Jacob's - thanks!)

Here's the fish-eye view:

And here's my planned plant placement (so far...Suggestions welcome!)

Dark Green = Madagascar Lace
Light Green = Dwarf Hairgrass
Pink = Some kind of Rotala or Ludwigia
Blue Dots = Bolbitis
I'm going to use AquaSoil Africana. :)
I'm so excited I get to finally set this up!
