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Dosing Syringe Extension

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  • Dosing Syringe Extension

    So, I just had a "Duh" moment that I wanted to share with everyone.

    I bought another 10mL plastic syringe tonight at HEB, because the 5mL I got for free at CVS was a bit short, and I was going to have to refill my water bottle (with ferts) soon. However, this syringe came with an extension (about 2-3 inches long) that looked suspiciously like blue-tinted airline tubing. Sure enough, I took some airline tubing from the fish room, and it fits on the end of each syringe!

    So, if you're like me and you're using water bottles to dose dry ferts, and frustrated that you have to keep refilling the bottle when tipping it no longer suffices, try using a bit of airline tubing to extend the end of the syringe to get to those hard-to-reach bottoms of water bottles!

    And if you're already doing this, well, you gotta post this kinda stuff so others will know!

    (You can also use those cone thingies some syringes include in their packaging - I use that on my Excel bottle, and it works great. :) )
    "Millennium hand and shrimp!"

  • #2
    For a visual:

    "Millennium hand and shrimp!"


    • #3
      I dilute my fertilizer a"lot", So I am thinking larger volume - like a turkey baster, with appropriate tube extension. Although I have not yet done it. Old guy footnote , in the 50's I used medical IV line for aquariums (my mother was a nurse).

