This is my first planted tank, any and all suggestions are welcome.
5.5 gallon
Marineland bio wheel 100
18w power compact 6500k
150 watt marineland heater
ADA aquasoil
dosed with iron and kent pro plant
Anubias nana
Java fern
Rotala indica
Bronze Wendtii crypt
Japanese Moss ball
10 Brass tetras
5 espei rasbora
10 Pygmy cories
1 Bumblebee gobie
2 M/F Red-melon gourami
1 nerite
1 flying fox
4 assassin snails
Zebra granite
Malaysian drift wood
I plan on getting RCS and planting a 20g soon.
5.5 gallon
Marineland bio wheel 100
18w power compact 6500k
150 watt marineland heater
ADA aquasoil
dosed with iron and kent pro plant
Anubias nana
Java fern
Rotala indica
Bronze Wendtii crypt
Japanese Moss ball
10 Brass tetras
5 espei rasbora
10 Pygmy cories
1 Bumblebee gobie
2 M/F Red-melon gourami
1 nerite
1 flying fox
4 assassin snails
Zebra granite
Malaysian drift wood
I plan on getting RCS and planting a 20g soon.