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harlequin or cardinal tetras?

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  • harlequin or cardinal tetras?

    Hey guys can you tell me which one are hardier between a harlequin tetra or cardinal tetra? I had both before but my freaking angel fish ate almost all of them. I had about 70 cardinal and 40 harlequin. The cardinal that I bought seem to die one by one after I bought them. The harlequin were a little hardier. However, maybe the water condition wasn't ideal for the cardinal tetras. I'm going to nursing school spring 11, and I want some fish that are hardy and not over my budget. I can get a really good deal on cardinal tetras but I don't want them to died.
    180 gallon RR wild discus, harlequins, congos, rainbow, pleco, cardinals, rummynose, rcs, and amanos.  2260 eheim pressurize co2 4x54 tek lights

  • #2
    180 gallon RR wild discus, harlequins, congos, rainbow, pleco, cardinals, rummynose, rcs, and amanos.  2260 eheim pressurize co2 4x54 tek lights


    • #3
      i mean ive kept rasboras alot in my planted tanks and never had a problem. If i had to guess tho id say cardinals are less hardy. but ive never kept them. i think both are about the same overall. maybe someone else with more experience can chime in...
      I make people happy


      • #4
        Why not a try 100 galaxy rasboras.
        I ate my fish that died.


        • #5
          I'd say harlequins are the hardier species.
          "Millennium hand and shrimp!"


          • #6
            Originally posted by myjohnson View Post
            Why not a try 100 galaxy rasboras.
            That would look really cool.

            I also think these guys are more hardy than cardinals. In the cardinal, neon, simulin world cardinals are the least hardy of the bunch.


            • #7
              ......... Have not ever had problems with cardinals. I think who you buy from has a lot to do with stability of the fish when you get it home. That being said, don't go with the cardinals only cause I think they are overdone. See them way too much.
              Houston Areas Aquatic Plant Society


              • #8
                +1 on the harlys. I've kept them for a while and they seem to do much better. I like how fast and tightly the move.
                Houston Area Aquatic Plant Society
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                • #9
                  I love cardinal schooling but I would say they are harder to keep. If you want an easier tetra I would go with neons.
                  Resident fish bum
                  330G FOWLR
                  34G Reef
                  330G Discus biotopish (no longer running)
                  28G JBJ Reef (no longer running)
                  Treasurer, GHAC


                  • #10
                    Harlequins are more impressive when schooling IMO.
                    700g Mini-Monster tank


                    • #11
                      Man harlequin is more expensive than cardinal tetras now. I remember it was the opposite a few years back. Guess they raise the price because they are more hardy than cardinal. I have bad experience keeping neons as well. Any other small tetras that school well that you guys could recommend. No galaxy rasboras I heard they cost a lot. I'm going to be in school so for now I'm on a budget.
                      180 gallon RR wild discus, harlequins, congos, rainbow, pleco, cardinals, rummynose, rcs, and amanos.  2260 eheim pressurize co2 4x54 tek lights


                      • #12
                        i had to go threw like 30 cardnials before i finaly got 10 that lived.

                        --I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours.
                        -Stephen Roberts


                        • #13
                          Harlequins usually live longer for me than cardinals, but it's generally the difference between three years and five years.

                          What are the facts? Again and again and again--what are the facts? Shun wishful thinking, ignore devine revelation, forget what "the stars foretell", avoid opinion, care not what the neighbors think, never mind the unguessable "verdict of history"--what are the facts, and to how many decimal places? You pilot always into an unknown future; facts are your only clue.

                          Robert Anson Heinlein

