As previously mentioned on this message board, the Texas Legislature enacted House Bill 3391, commonly referred to as the Sunset Bill, which requires Texas Parks & Wildlife Department to publish a list of exotic aquatic plants that are approved for importation or possession in Texas without a permit. This differs from the current regulations that list exotic aquatic plants that are prohibited or otherwise restricted. HB 3391 requires the list of approved exotic plants and revisions to existing rules governing the importation, possession, and sale of exotic aquatic plants is effective no later than December 31, 2010. New rules are being proposed to implement the new regulatory scheme, which includes a proposed list of exotic aquatic plants approved for importation, possession, and sale in Texas. These proposed rules and the proposed list of approved species can be found at the following web site address:
This proposal will be presented to the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission on Wednesday, August 25, 2010 during their regular session that will be held in San Antonio, TX. Public comment will be accepted during and after this meeting, prior to the Commission’s November meeting where they will decide whether to implement these new rules. However, if you are aware of exotic aquatic plant species that are commonly bought, sold, imported/exported in Texas that are not listed on the proposed list please let me know as soon as possible. There is still time to add other species, provided they successfully pass a risk assessment evaluation, but time is getting short.
Thanks for any help you may be able to provide.
Lance Robinson
TPWD Coastal Fisheries Division
Dickinson Marine Laboratory
This proposal will be presented to the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission on Wednesday, August 25, 2010 during their regular session that will be held in San Antonio, TX. Public comment will be accepted during and after this meeting, prior to the Commission’s November meeting where they will decide whether to implement these new rules. However, if you are aware of exotic aquatic plant species that are commonly bought, sold, imported/exported in Texas that are not listed on the proposed list please let me know as soon as possible. There is still time to add other species, provided they successfully pass a risk assessment evaluation, but time is getting short.
Thanks for any help you may be able to provide.
Lance Robinson
TPWD Coastal Fisheries Division
Dickinson Marine Laboratory