Now that I finally own my home and there are no prospects of having to move another tank ever again, I'm finally setting up a planted aquarium the right way and I'm going all in with a high tech set-up.
Tank: Osaka 320
Filter: Fluval 405 canister filter
Heater: Fluval tronic 300 watt
Lighting: T5HO 4x54 watt
Pressurized CO2: 5lb canister, Milwuakee CO2 regulator with solenoid valve and bubble counter MA957, Milwakee pH controller SMS122, and ceramic CO2 diffuser Rhinox 5000
For substrate I've got about 100 lbs Eco Complete from established aquarium + 40 lbs new Eco Complete...I can't remember how much was in the old aquarium though as it doesn't really matter since I'm going for a DSB.
Dwarf Hairgrass
Dwarf Baby Tears
Anubius Nana
Rotala Indica
Red Ludwigia
Micro Sword
Cyperus Helferi
2 types of stem plants I can’t remember
1 type of bunch plant I can’t remember
Tenants on the Wait List:
Black Ghost Knife
Redline Shark
Potential Future Residents:
4 more Redline Sharks
a handful of Cory cats (maybe 7)
something else that my BGK won't eat (currently eats sinking wafers so I might get away with some small meaty fish like Zebra Danios)
Due to a lack of plants at the LFS I was able to plant only the dwarf hairgrass, dwarf baby tears, red ludwigia and the rotala indica (8/15/10).
Was able to get some great plants last Friday and here's how it looked immediately after planting (8/20/10).
And here are how things look currently. Notice the great extension compared to the 8/20/10 shots (8/24/10).
I'm no photographer so bear with me as I learn to take better pictures.
Tank: Osaka 320
Filter: Fluval 405 canister filter
Heater: Fluval tronic 300 watt
Lighting: T5HO 4x54 watt
Pressurized CO2: 5lb canister, Milwuakee CO2 regulator with solenoid valve and bubble counter MA957, Milwakee pH controller SMS122, and ceramic CO2 diffuser Rhinox 5000
For substrate I've got about 100 lbs Eco Complete from established aquarium + 40 lbs new Eco Complete...I can't remember how much was in the old aquarium though as it doesn't really matter since I'm going for a DSB.
Dwarf Hairgrass
Dwarf Baby Tears
Anubius Nana
Rotala Indica
Red Ludwigia
Micro Sword
Cyperus Helferi
2 types of stem plants I can’t remember
1 type of bunch plant I can’t remember
Tenants on the Wait List:
Black Ghost Knife
Redline Shark
Potential Future Residents:
4 more Redline Sharks
a handful of Cory cats (maybe 7)
something else that my BGK won't eat (currently eats sinking wafers so I might get away with some small meaty fish like Zebra Danios)
Due to a lack of plants at the LFS I was able to plant only the dwarf hairgrass, dwarf baby tears, red ludwigia and the rotala indica (8/15/10).
Was able to get some great plants last Friday and here's how it looked immediately after planting (8/20/10).
And here are how things look currently. Notice the great extension compared to the 8/20/10 shots (8/24/10).
I'm no photographer so bear with me as I learn to take better pictures.