Hello everyone,
I have not posted in a very long time and needless to say the tank has changed. Mostly the plants have just grown up bit, but I have added a couple of additional fish as well. It’s a ~75 gallon tank with 2 watts per gallon and no CO2 system. I don’t have a timer for the lighting, but it runs 8 to 10 hours a day. I top off the tank every week and do a 1/3 water change once every two to three weeks. It runs with an under gravel filter and an old magnum canister filter.
The substrate is old gravel, I use flourish excel and flourish on a bi weekly basis depending on how things are going. The tank became overgrown and I recently trimmed it up; the Amazon swords were extremely thick and the java moss was just out of hand and algae of course is always an issue. I top off the tank every week and do a 1/3 water change once every two to three weeks. It runs with an under gravel filter and an old magnum canister filter.
1 Bushy nosed pleco
10 rummy nose tetra
10 cardinal tetra
4 zebra danio
10 harlequin rasbora
2 zebra loach
1 Australian Dwarf Rainbow (there were 2 but 1 died).
Wanting to add a few more dwarf rainbows, but also want to add some kind of fish with a different profile. Maybe some angel fish, however I am concerned with overloading the tank.
+20 Red Cherry Shrimp; I had originally picked up about 10 from Duk, and I hardly saw them now they are all over the place, they breed rapidly in the java moss.
Glass/Ghost Shrimp; harder to spot but a few big ones are in there, somewhere..
There are some mollies in the pictures but I have given them away, mostly. They keep reproducing and no matter how many I give away there are always a few fry left in my tank.
Plants, nothing really fancy
Java fern
Amazon Swords
Java Moss
Japanese Moss ball
the Red lilies are Nymphaea daubenyana I believe. I was able to snip the bulb from the base and transport it across the tank, its starting up again and there are already lilies sprouting.
I have not posted in a very long time and needless to say the tank has changed. Mostly the plants have just grown up bit, but I have added a couple of additional fish as well. It’s a ~75 gallon tank with 2 watts per gallon and no CO2 system. I don’t have a timer for the lighting, but it runs 8 to 10 hours a day. I top off the tank every week and do a 1/3 water change once every two to three weeks. It runs with an under gravel filter and an old magnum canister filter.
The substrate is old gravel, I use flourish excel and flourish on a bi weekly basis depending on how things are going. The tank became overgrown and I recently trimmed it up; the Amazon swords were extremely thick and the java moss was just out of hand and algae of course is always an issue. I top off the tank every week and do a 1/3 water change once every two to three weeks. It runs with an under gravel filter and an old magnum canister filter.
1 Bushy nosed pleco
10 rummy nose tetra
10 cardinal tetra
4 zebra danio
10 harlequin rasbora
2 zebra loach
1 Australian Dwarf Rainbow (there were 2 but 1 died).
Wanting to add a few more dwarf rainbows, but also want to add some kind of fish with a different profile. Maybe some angel fish, however I am concerned with overloading the tank.
+20 Red Cherry Shrimp; I had originally picked up about 10 from Duk, and I hardly saw them now they are all over the place, they breed rapidly in the java moss.
Glass/Ghost Shrimp; harder to spot but a few big ones are in there, somewhere..
There are some mollies in the pictures but I have given them away, mostly. They keep reproducing and no matter how many I give away there are always a few fry left in my tank.
Plants, nothing really fancy
Java fern
Amazon Swords
Java Moss
Japanese Moss ball
the Red lilies are Nymphaea daubenyana I believe. I was able to snip the bulb from the base and transport it across the tank, its starting up again and there are already lilies sprouting.