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Update on a Planted Tank

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  • Update on a Planted Tank

    Hello everyone,

    I have not posted in a very long time and needless to say the tank has changed. Mostly the plants have just grown up bit, but I have added a couple of additional fish as well. It’s a ~75 gallon tank with 2 watts per gallon and no CO2 system. I don’t have a timer for the lighting, but it runs 8 to 10 hours a day. I top off the tank every week and do a 1/3 water change once every two to three weeks. It runs with an under gravel filter and an old magnum canister filter.

    The substrate is old gravel, I use flourish excel and flourish on a bi weekly basis depending on how things are going. The tank became overgrown and I recently trimmed it up; the Amazon swords were extremely thick and the java moss was just out of hand and algae of course is always an issue. I top off the tank every week and do a 1/3 water change once every two to three weeks. It runs with an under gravel filter and an old magnum canister filter.

    1 Bushy nosed pleco
    10 rummy nose tetra
    10 cardinal tetra
    4 zebra danio
    10 harlequin rasbora
    2 zebra loach
    1 Australian Dwarf Rainbow (there were 2 but 1 died).

    Wanting to add a few more dwarf rainbows, but also want to add some kind of fish with a different profile. Maybe some angel fish, however I am concerned with overloading the tank.

    +20 Red Cherry Shrimp; I had originally picked up about 10 from Duk, and I hardly saw them now they are all over the place, they breed rapidly in the java moss.

    Glass/Ghost Shrimp; harder to spot but a few big ones are in there, somewhere..

    There are some mollies in the pictures but I have given them away, mostly. They keep reproducing and no matter how many I give away there are always a few fry left in my tank.

    Plants, nothing really fancy
    Java fern
    Amazon Swords
    Java Moss
    Japanese Moss ball

    the Red lilies are Nymphaea daubenyana I believe. I was able to snip the bulb from the base and transport it across the tank, its starting up again and there are already lilies sprouting.

    Attached Files

  • #2
    Looks really nice!
    10g Community Planted Aquarium
    10g-CRS Planted Aquarium
    55g Saltwater Aquarium-
    20gH-Angelfish Planted Aquarium
    20gL-Leopard Gecko

    A 13 Year Old Teen Who Loves his animals!!
    YOUTUBE: Michael15551


    • #3
      Tremendous amount of growth from first to last pic, very nice. Do you use root tabs, or just the Flourish Comprehensive? The algae issues may be due to only dosing micro-nutrients with that amount of light. You might benefit from getting a source of macros (N,P,K...Seachem Flourish makes those liquids, or you can get dry ferts) and do light doses...just be careful not to make any drastic changes.
      Houston Area Aquatic Plant Society
      Also follow us on Facebook and APC


      • #4
        Thanks for the responses.

        I have used root tabs in the past but they are not something I use on a regular basis. I have also used Flourish Potassium in the past and am currently using it, but not have not used the iron or other macro nutrients

        Her is another pic, after trimming it up a bit.
        Attached Files
        Last edited by Rock; 10-24-2010, 02:01 PM. Reason: add an attachment

