Are powerheads beneficial in a planted tank?
I'm probably going to be doing a total overhaul on my 75, which includes a fancy CO2 system and some nice T5 lighting. My filter is getting a bit old, and the output isn't as much as it use to be, so I was considering adding a powerhead or 2 to stir things up. Nothing crazy, but maybe 1 or 2 Koralia Nano's, at either the 240 or 425gph range.
I'm probably going to be doing a total overhaul on my 75, which includes a fancy CO2 system and some nice T5 lighting. My filter is getting a bit old, and the output isn't as much as it use to be, so I was considering adding a powerhead or 2 to stir things up. Nothing crazy, but maybe 1 or 2 Koralia Nano's, at either the 240 or 425gph range.