So I picked up a used 48" wavepoint light yesterday. The bulbs are old, and need to be replaced anyways, so now I have some lighting options. I am wondering what I should do with 75 planted tank. Once I move, it's going to be on automated CO2 (the works), so I want the optimal lighting for some good growth, but look good at the same time. The new light has 4 T5's, so I can play around a bit. I've heard 2 10k and 2 6.7k would be real good, but I wanted some feedback before I go by 4 new bulbs.
I also have the original single T8 that came with the tank (this was a BIG upgrade). I am wondering if it would be worth it to throw in a new bulb on that as well, maybe an actinic. While it is only 48 watts in T8, I doubt I would get much/anything for it, so why not...?
I also have the original single T8 that came with the tank (this was a BIG upgrade). I am wondering if it would be worth it to throw in a new bulb on that as well, maybe an actinic. While it is only 48 watts in T8, I doubt I would get much/anything for it, so why not...?