I am about to redo my 75gallon tank and have been torn between several scapes and have finally decided. A good friend, Davemonkey got me some really nice pieces of cypress knees.....thanks Dave! And so the Cypress river bank tank begins Here are the pieces. Sorry these are night time cell phone pics

This is after a low pressure washing, I have left the bark on for a more natural look, also there is a native Texas aquatic moss that was growing on these that I want to see if it will grow back.
The plan is to have a sand substrate in the front, a lot of anubias nana at the base (almost carpet like) and have some Cryptocoryne retrospiralis in the back behind the wood groupings.
So far not much progress, just trying to figure the layout and how to weight these down (cypress floats really well and won't waterlog). Here are some sample pics I took with some of the pieces in my holding tank.....the display tank does not have a center brace.
layout idea #1

layout idea #2

I like the wood as is but my gut is telling me to trim some of the pieces down. The end result will still have the two tall pieces protruding through the water surface but maybe not as much.
Thoughts? Ideas?

This is after a low pressure washing, I have left the bark on for a more natural look, also there is a native Texas aquatic moss that was growing on these that I want to see if it will grow back.
The plan is to have a sand substrate in the front, a lot of anubias nana at the base (almost carpet like) and have some Cryptocoryne retrospiralis in the back behind the wood groupings.
So far not much progress, just trying to figure the layout and how to weight these down (cypress floats really well and won't waterlog). Here are some sample pics I took with some of the pieces in my holding tank.....the display tank does not have a center brace.
layout idea #1

layout idea #2

I like the wood as is but my gut is telling me to trim some of the pieces down. The end result will still have the two tall pieces protruding through the water surface but maybe not as much.
Thoughts? Ideas?