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2.5g nano planted snail breeding tank

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  • 2.5g nano planted snail breeding tank

    Standard 2.5g glass tank

    Pool filter sand
    Cypress branches
    Mexican river stones

    Red sea nano hob filter
    13watt 6500k coiled fluorescent light
    10 watt marineland stealth pro heater

    Java moss
    Flame moss
    Duck weed

    Rams horn snails
    Pond snails

    Going to add a pair of dwarf neon rainbows
    And some gold and green neon tetras


    Lmk what yall think.
    Last edited by TaTeR ToT; 03-24-2011, 01:32 PM.

    55g - Vieja Synspilum 'Biotope'

  • #2
    Personally I think it's amazing. Lol.
    25g Baby Fahaka Puffer
    75g South American


    • #3
      Nice concept! With your lighting, you could actually grow a fair carpet of Lileaopsis or one of the dwarf hairgrasses (maybe Eleocharis microcarpa or E. parvula). Though, I suppose you'd have to fertilize a bit then.

      Houston Area Aquatic Plant Society
      Also follow us on Facebook and APC


      • #4
        How do you think regular hair grass would do in this tank with regular doing of Excel, would I still need a planted substrate?

        I want to upgrade the lighting to a Coralife 9" t5 Ho twim bulb fixture down the road.
        And possibly do Eco complete for the substrate.
        FRENCH FRY!!!

        55g - Vieja Synspilum 'Biotope'


        • #5
          I think any hairgrass will be fine. It's not so much the substrate as it is the nutrition needed, and excel is only a carbon supplement. Eco-Complete has some bits of micronutrients in it and might be okay with low light (like what you have now). If you upgrade the lighting, you'll need to increase ferts accordingly. As it stands now, you could grow hairgrass and it would stay small and grow slowly for you since the substrate has no real nutrition in it.
          Houston Area Aquatic Plant Society
          Also follow us on Facebook and APC

