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Looking for a good place for plants

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  • Looking for a good place for plants

    Hi all,
    Does anyone know a good place that I can find following plants? I am close to houston medical center.

    Weeping Moss
    Peacock Moss
    Christmas moss
    Rotala rotundifolia(green)

    I went to many different places (fish gallery, city pets, fish land...), but I still can't find any.

  • #2
    i have rotala rotundifolia. But im in katy...


    • #3
      If you are not against mail ordering, some of the aquatic plant specific forums have great for sale/trade sections and usually have all those mosses pretty regularly.


      • #4
        Thank you! I found a good website: AquaticMagic.
        They have many different moss, and it is free shipping for $50 ordering.


        • #5
          I'd read up on AquaticMagic before you purchase anything from them. Might be tricky getting plants from overseas without all the proper paperwork. Best bet on finding all the plants you listed and more is what Astex mentioned which is order them from other hobbyists on plant specific forums.
          And it begins...


          • #6
            Please be careful ordering from AquaticMagic. They are on the government watchlist and if the plants do not have proper documentation you will get fined for any plants you order.

            +1 on DiscusKid. order from Florida or get from hobbiest. A large $ fine and having your name tagged is not worth the risk.
            Houston Areas Aquatic Plant Society


            • #7

              I just sent an email to cancel my order..
              Hope it can make it. Thanks for all of your suggestions.


              • #8
                Any help with "Plant specific" forums that hobbyists sell plants on a regular basis?


                • #9
                  Aquatic Plant Central, The Planted Tank Forum, and Aquaria Central


                  • #10
                    Ditto on Astex's forum recommendations. Search the sale/trade areas and you'll find what you are wanting.
                    Houston Area Aquatic Plant Society
                    Also follow us on Facebook and APC


                    • #11
                      Over a year ago, I ordered some items from AquaticMagic. Their advertising is purposley misleading in my opinion. Anyway, I ordered hardware, but also decided on some fissidens since I was already paying for shipping. Not sure if it was banned, or not, but I got "something". AquaticMagic cautioned that the plant may appear dead, and would liven up after some time. When I first got it, I said to my wife that it looks just like the moss on my bricks by the flower beds. So, after a few months, nothing. I looked at it again, under a microscope, and compared it to the moss growing on my bricks. Same shyt! I was sold just plain old moss they probably scrapped up the sidewalk on the way into work. I emailed to complain, and their response was that when I order again, I would get that plant again for free. No thanks, stay away from those people when it comes to plants. As for the hardware, I was pleased with it.

