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lights and co2

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  • lights and co2

    okay....i have decided that i will put co2 on my 75 that i'm setting up to plant....i need some advice on lighting for it...i'm very new to this and i have no idea of please speak newbie english if you are willing to give me advice on this issue....and as always let's keep in mind i'm not a winner of the lotto yet,.....nor have i found a j. howard marshall either.... and i have a daughter getting married in july so money is an object with me...  ...all advice will be greatly appreciated.....i should have my co2 in place within 2 weeks so i will be needing the lights upgraded by then.....

  • #2
    Re: lights and co2

    Great! First of all, how are you going to supplement CO2? Are you going pressurized, or DIY (yeast, sugar, water)?

    The lights you have on the tank right now, how many total watts? Are they normal fluorescents, compact fluorescents, or other? Your best bet for the money would be compact fluorescents - they last longer than fluorescents and provide you with more wattage. For instance, a fluorescent strip light that is 24" long will most likely have an 18W (plus or minus a few watts) bulb...whereas a compact fluorescent will give you 55 or 65 watts.

    Of course, if you're handy in the DIY department, there are all sorts of things you can think up. I, unfortunately, am not. Living in a small apartment probably has something to do with that.  :)  

    Then you have the decision of how many watts per gallon (wpg) you would like. There are options, such as a dual fixture, multiple single fixtures, etc. I'm going to take a look at your other thread to see the dimensions of your tank, substrate, plants, etc. and that might help a bit to determine the best way to go.

    One thing for sure, aim for the 5000K to 10000K range in color temperature (the fixture and/or bulb will state this on the package). Usually if you buy a "freshwater" light, it will be a 6700K or 10000K.
    "Millennium hand and shrimp!"


    • #3
      Re: lights and co2

      And keep an eye out for great deals! MARSHreef, Craigslist, Ebay, etc.  
      "Millennium hand and shrimp!"


      • #4
        Re: lights and co2

        Fishlady, post a pic of Cisco up here for Mzungu. (that is, when you get a chance or feel like it....or not.....   )
        Truth is the cement that holds the bricks and stones of a sane and civilized society together. Remove the former and the latter will crumble.


        • #5
          Re: lights and co2

          Hmm, okay, I thought you were talking about that tank that you posted pictures of before...guess this is a new one! Do you happen to know the dimensions?

          CF - fishlady just told me about Cisco! Cute!
          "Millennium hand and shrimp!"


          • #6
            Re: lights and co2

            I have a hagen aqua-glo which is 18000k and says it is recommended for either planted tanks or marine, anything higher than that would be strictly marine.  I am using one of those and some other bulb around 6000-7000k (as recommended on the box).  It looks nice cause the aqua-glo bulb is a pinkish color and the other bulb gives off a greenish color.  If you are using a 48" bulb you can find the hagen glo series at Petsmart.


            • #7
              Re: lights and co2

              If you are using fluorescent lights in your tank make sure you cover as much as is possible with them a good idea would be 3 X 48 inches double fixtures using t-8 bulbs try using plant bulbs by coralife if possible in combination with 10,000K bulbs also from coralife this light combination works great and the plants will photosynthesize (pearl) Just fine. Read as much as you can about Co2 and download from the internet the co2 tables this way you will understand how it works.
              The moment you are familiar with these simple tasks everything will work the way it should.
              My advice as far as plant and fish is to plant heavily; if this is your first time and keep the bio-load rather light and avoid using large fish.
              Temperature should stay at 77~78 and you will see the best of your plants and fish as well.
              We have a local aquatic plant club perhaps joining it will be a good idea for you in the future not only for knowledge but for rare plants as well.
              Luis Navarro


              • #8
                Re: lights and co2

                Whoa......fishlady you got Navarro's attention

                I have to agree with the above statements and don't have much else to add other then do a lot of reading cause it helps....there are other forums that can help along with the plant club which is really helpful with lots of friendly people.

                700g Mini-Monster tank


                • #9
                  Re: lights and co2

                  wow....i am so greatful for the response i have gotten....i take all the knowledge very tank dims are as follows.....

                  48x18 standard 75 gallon i currently have 48" life glo 2 40 watts on there that came with the tank when i got if from a forum member....
                  i am purchasing a co2 system that can accomadate both DIY yeast or pressurized tank
                  not sure how i'm going with that yet...
                  but there's my stuff i have aquasoil that i bought at home depot in it as a substrate....approx 2" deep


                  • #10
                    Re: lights and co2

                    after reading that i wanted to clarify the bulb part

                    48" life glo 2
                    40 watts....there's only one bulb in it...
                    and make that approx 3 inches deep....


                    • #11
                      Re: lights and co2

                      There isn't much out there that accomodates diy and pressurized and the earlier isn't really worth it on a big tank since most don't last longer then 2 wks and to get a good amount of co2 in the tank would probably require a few bottles of diy.

                      The bulb I would look into adding probably about 2 more bulbs like so or get a shop light from Home Depot to add to you existing which should bump you up to about 120w but more close to 1wpg if you factor in the loss through poor reflection.

                      Make sure the bulbs are somewhere between 5000 and 10,000 kelvin rating.
                      700g Mini-Monster tank


                      • #12
                        Re: lights and co2

                        i can do that....home depot is right up the far as the co2 i am confused...the set up that i found states that it accomadates 100 gallons and below....and that i would have to change it out once a that not so?.....

                        it's not a fancy co2 setup it even states it's for the budget minded...



                        • #13
                          Re: lights and co2

                          Fishlady, there is someone in the classifieds selling a 48" 4x65 watt fixture for DIRT cheap.  This will undoubtedly take care of your lighting woes and will be more than enough for CO2.  BUT, if you were to buy that light you would almost have to go with a "decent" CO2 setup or you will run into algae problems.
                          ADA mini-m planted
                          ADA mini-m riparium
                          ADA 30-C nano reef
                          ADA 90-P community Tanganyikan
                          ADA 120-p overflow Full reef in progress
                          Eheim 90cm SA biotope
                          110g Peacocks


                          • #14
                            Re: lights and co2

                            ... or just turn on half the lights ...

                            Scarecrow : I haven't got a brain... only straw.
                            Dorothy : How can you talk if you haven't got a brain?
                            Scarecrow: I don't know... But some people without brains do an awful lot of talking... don't they?
                            Dorothy: Yes, I guess you're right.


                            • #15
                              Re: lights and co2

                              True that coralife 4x65w fixture would be awesome on your tank and it has two switches/cords so you don't have to run all four at first. I think the bulbs will need to be replaced though since they are marine bulbs.

                     the co2 kit here. If I'm not mistaken it's a yeast fermentation kit and those are a pita to keep stable and going on a big tank. I did my own on a 20g and it was horrible! but of course I tried to maintain 30ppms of co2 to keep up with the 96w of lighting I had over it 8)
                              700g Mini-Monster tank

