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Seachem Flourite: Who uses it anymore?

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  • Seachem Flourite: Who uses it anymore?

    I've had planted tanks for quite a while and I spent quite a bit of money to fill a 58G Oceanic with about three inches of Seachem's Flourite (red). The results have been good I suppose, but I've never had anything else at my home to compare it to.

    Several weeks ago, I purchased some Amazonia (I I believe) from FG before they moved, four five gallon buckets worth, used substrate for $100.00.

    I setup a 10G CRS tank with some of the Amazonia, and I performed the prescribed water changes to avoid the amonia spikes, but then I wondered if it was really neccessary because the substrate was used, wouldn't have the organics have decomposed already? Anyway, no deaths and it's been about a month, and I do weekly water changes with RO water, and add Seachem's Equilibrium to add back the minerals.

    Now before anyone asks why I use RO only to put back the minerals... my thinking is that at least I know what is in the water. I have a water softner, and the untreated water contains a little too many phosphates to use out of the tap as I always get an algae problem when using it.

    BTW, I do notice that the Amazonia still leaches a tannin, will this ever stop?

    So, I will soon be ordering a custom rimless tank from Glass Cages I think, and I want to use the Amozonia when I redo the tank, but I want to know from any of you who are/have used Amazonia... is it better than Seachem's Flourite? Any tips, suggestions?

    Any feedback is welcomed.
    Last edited by HookTheBrotherUp; 05-18-2011, 07:49 PM.

  • #2
    Yeah, you probably did not need to water changes. I think the tannins you are seeing are because the used substrate is now mixed up (what was once the bottom layer is now on top, etc... ) and the handling of the soil has broken apart some of the particles and they are leaching. It will probably go away in time...eventually.

    Amazonia is better than Flourite when new, I don't think anyone would argue that (once you get past the initial ammonia spikes). But after a year or two, I'm not sure. In the long run, they both have a high CEC, and allow proper root development.
    Houston Area Aquatic Plant Society
    Also follow us on Facebook and APC


    • #3
      Hate to contradict you Dave, if even a little, but I think Niko from APC said it best that any substrate will eventually be as good as Amazonia given enough time and mulm.

      The point is Amazonia starts right out of the bag and continues to work even a couple of years down the road.

      I have reused old Amazonia and second Dave's assessment, the remix of the substrate is likely the culprit and will dissipate. Use carbon or whatever you choice is for organic removal.
      Houston Areas Aquatic Plant Society

