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10 gallon planted tank questions

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  • #31
    Re: 10 gallon planted tank questions

    You might want to join NASH, the local planted tank club, since they trade plants at meetings. Pet City at Beachnut and Beltway 8 has a good selection too.


    • #32
      Re: 10 gallon planted tank questions

      Yes, City Pets does have a pretty good selection. :wink:
      Scarecrow : I haven't got a brain... only straw.
      Dorothy : How can you talk if you haven't got a brain?
      Scarecrow: I don't know... But some people without brains do an awful lot of talking... don't they?
      Dorothy: Yes, I guess you're right.


      • #33
        Re: 10 gallon planted tank questions

        I'll have to check them out too.  I was there a few weeks ago but I didn't look at plants.  A good excuse to go back!  
        58G Malawis
        10G planted


        • #34
          Re: 10 gallon planted tank questions

          For the small tank seachem excel will probably be the most consistent and easiest way to provide carbon.

          I rec. City pets too! Fish gallery has burnt plants.....good selection if you get them before the plants have been in the tank too long. Their tanks have too much light with no co2 and the plants are barely thriving.

          I plan to do a trim on my tank this weekend which should fill your tank completely if you want it. I usually start a thread offering to whoever wants it and seeing as you are starting yours its yours for the taking.

          You can pick out what you want or I can just chop it all and you can sort it out later.
          700g Mini-Monster tank


          • #35
            Re: 10 gallon planted tank questions

            I like the idea of the Flourish Excel, sounds easier to me than mixing up stuff.  The price isn't too bad either.  Do you like their line of fertilizers?
            Thanks for the offer for the plants but I don't think I'll have time to meet up anytime this weekend.  I know at least two other people on here are starting up so I'm sure one of them will be happy to take some off your hands.
            58G Malawis
            10G planted


            • #36
              Re: 10 gallon planted tank questions

              I know you asked ek, but I just got the remainder of ek's Flourish line of ferts a couple of weeks ago, since he's switched to dry ferts. I LOVE them. It's really easy to keep up with, too.

              Excel goes in all my tanks, normally. It's a really good product, in my opinion.
              "Millennium hand and shrimp!"


              • #37
                Re: 10 gallon planted tank questions

                Thanks Mzungu!
                58G Malawis
                10G planted


                • #38
                  Re: 10 gallon planted tank questions

                  Yep I love it when I was using it but I ended up switching to dry ferts the to ADA's line which has shownthe best overall.
                  700g Mini-Monster tank


                  • #39
                    Re: 10 gallon planted tank questions

                    I got the flourish excel, started using it yesterday.  I also added some java moss.  I just attached it to the rock with fishing string.  I'm hoping it'll become attached, right now some of it is just kinda floating around.  Do I have too much moss?  If so I can move some to another tank or put some driftwood or something in there and divide it up.  On Wednesday I'm going to move some plants around, make smaller bunches, basically make it look more natural in there.  Well, that's what I'm hoping for anyways!  Here's some pics of the moss.

                    58G Malawis
                    10G planted


                    • #40
                      Re: 10 gallon planted tank questions

                      Moss looks fine but you could thin it out if you want to use it in other places, Moss will grow over whatever you put it on.

                      FYI...Moss does better in cooler waters and you would want to keep it free of detritus.
                      700g Mini-Monster tank


                      • #41
                        Re: 10 gallon planted tank questions

                        I've got the tank at 72 degrees, I hope that works!  I am hoping for it to grow enough to put into all my other tanks, I know that'll take awhile but one can only hope.  The moss had gravel from the lfs in it, I tried to get it out before I put it in there but it was in there pretty good.  On Wednesday I'll try harder  
                        I think I'll thin it out and put some in the empty 55.  I don't like the way it looks now, too bushy looking for my taste.  It's pretty warm in the 55 though.  I keep the temp at 80 degrees.  I guess I could turn down the temp.  Always something!  :wink:
                        58G Malawis
                        10G planted


                        • #42
                          Re: 10 gallon planted tank questions

                          To echo ek, the moss will grow on just about anything, so you really only need a thin layer of it in order for it to spread.  So you can supply your other tanks if you want.  :)
                          "Millennium hand and shrimp!"


                          • #43
                            Re: 10 gallon planted tank questions

                            awesome!  This whole planted tank thing is more complicated than I thought but also much more fun than I anticipated.  Now I look at my other three tanks and think how unnatural they look.  
                            58G Malawis
                            10G planted


                            • #44
                              Re: 10 gallon planted tank questions

                              Now I look at my other three tanks and think how unnatural they look.    

                              And it begins...
                              "Millennium hand and shrimp!"


                              • #45
                                Re: 10 gallon planted tank questions

                                yes it does!
                                58G Malawis
                                10G planted

