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alternatives for water shipping? Gel?

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  • alternatives for water shipping? Gel?

    Well like the title says i wanted to send some plants to a friend in another state but with this weather i dont think the usual method of paper towels or paper would wrk as well as my idea:aua:

    i have seen it like at pets mart i think where plants have a gel looking substance so do yall think its possible? and could it be made(can buy it) but that kindda defeats my DIY skillz LOL)

  • #2
    Why do you think it isn't possible in this weather? What is your usual paper method? Do you normally ship regular or Priority?
    Scarecrow : I haven't got a brain... only straw.
    Dorothy : How can you talk if you haven't got a brain?
    Scarecrow: I don't know... But some people without brains do an awful lot of talking... don't they?
    Dorothy: Yes, I guess you're right.


    • #3
      I have the same response. What is the problem with the weather? When shipping in cold you place a heat pack so why not reverse the process with a cold pack in a styrofoam box and your plants should stay cool very nicely
      Custom Aquarium Cabinets Justin Henry 281-739-8723


      • #4
        tim i usually use lik the paper towel moist/damped wit water depending on how hot it is then plastic bag n in box priority
        BUT jst a few days ago i bought some plants and they pretty much used the same method n shipping but the condition they arrived was horrible

        so i think if one takes better measures maybe we can get somewhere and find that they might arrive in better conditions(for all of us) and hey if u sell some am sure the costumer might appreciate it too


        • #5
          jhenry yeah i hear u wit the cold packs and trust me i dont disagree at all but some times the weather takes a spin and gets worst then b4 so i think better precautions help out ohh n now i remember another reason idk about yall but some times i dont have the time i wish i had to get to place the plants right away so if the plants are in good shipping conditions that can extend the duration of holding them without water and give the person a lil more time to get everything ready


          • #6
            I usually ship with cold packs in the heat of summer. Check out APC, they have a a lot of great shipping advice for plants
            Houston Areas Aquatic Plant Society


            • #7
              i sure will thank you

