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unfiltered plants (HC) only questions

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  • unfiltered plants (HC) only questions

    i'm going to start a 20 gallons long planted soon. no fish, plants only.

    i'm trying to get a HC carpet, so i was thinking about growing it on the substrate with the tank half filled and no filter as i don't want the water movement to uproot my HC. the question is, is stagnant water going to kill the pants?

    do you have any other solution for growing HC? i was thinking about growing it emersed. but i hear the transition from emerse to submerged is all luck. and i would rather grow it submerged so i can crank up co2 to 3 bps.

  • #2
    High light and CO2 will work wonderfully for growing HC. Even without a filter, though, at the beginning it's almost inevitable that you'll have a few uprooted plants. But with high light and CO2, it'll root pretty quickly and you won't see much of a problem, IME. Substrate matters, too. What were you thinking of using?

    I would recommend a filter, though. Stagnant water won't kill the plants, but it will help to circulate the CO2. Otherwise I'd think it'd just be released and go straight to the top of the water and gas out, especially if you're thinking of only filling the tank half-way.
    "Millennium hand and shrimp!"


    • #3
      i'm using a half and half mixture of fluval stratum shrimp and aquasoil.

      i almost forgot about water circulation. i guess i will fill it to the top and run a filter with a sponge at the intake.


      • #4
        I had emerged HC in my 2.5 with amazonia for about 1-2 weeks. After that I just filled the tank up. Worked great.


        • #5
          by the way, where are you getting your HC from? I'm looking for some


          • #6
            petsmart got them for 10 bucks across bay brook mall

