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6 Gallon Planted Fluval Edge Shrimp Tank - Build Thread

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  • 6 Gallon Planted Fluval Edge Shrimp Tank - Build Thread

    Hello fellow fish keepers. I have been totally addicted to reef tanks for the past 20 years but strictly been a saltwater guy. I have wanted to set up a fresh water tank for a while now but never followed through until now. Last weekend I purchased a 6 gallon Fluval Edge. Pet Smart had them on sale and I had a coupon so why not?
    I do not have water in the tank but do want to outline my purchases to day and my ultimate plan for the tank. I added an 8.8 LB bag of Fluval Stratum Substrate for Shrimp Aquariums, some small lace rock from Fish Gallery, a small CO2 diffuser that I purchased on eBay several years ago, and a small digital timer for the lights. The only modification that I have done to the tank is swapping out the lights for some LEDS. I purchased two "Brightest MR11 12V 10 SMD LED Bulb Wide Angle" from Amazon for $7 each off of the recommendations of some other forums.

    Here are some pictures:

    Empty Tank

    LED Upgrade

    Current tank setup
    300 Gallon Freshwater Turtle Tank
    120 Gallon Reef
    58 Gallon SPS Reef
    57 Gallon Mixed reef
    6 Gallon Fluval Edge Planted tank

  • #2
    I have the following plants on order from P_volitan on Aquabid.
    Trithuria Blood Vomit

    Lilaeopsis mauritiana

    Hemianthus callitrich​oides, Dwarf Baby Tears

    Pogostemon helferi, Downoi
    Last edited by gotfrogs; 11-08-2011, 09:28 PM.
    300 Gallon Freshwater Turtle Tank
    120 Gallon Reef
    58 Gallon SPS Reef
    57 Gallon Mixed reef
    6 Gallon Fluval Edge Planted tank


    • #3
      Looks like a really nice start! Jumping right in there with some interesting plants. What are you planning to use for CO2? Looking forward to seeing this tank get going!

      • 90g Planted - Journal - New Pics Mar23
      • 75g Planted - Journal (on PT)
      • 29g Planted - Journal
      • 29g Planted
      • 5g Planted RCS


      • #4
        Looks good! I'm planning on doing something similar as soon as my dry bar is finished We have similar or matching granite, paint, cabinets and tile lol.

        Keep us updated!


        • #5
          Originally posted by Complexity View Post
          What are you planning to use for CO2? Looking forward to seeing this tank get going!
          I have a really nice regulator, aluminum tank and electronic solenoid from a calcium reactor that I was no longer using. I just need to figure out how to route the tubing from under the counter to the tank. I want this to be a very clean insitilation without any of the equipment exposed.
          300 Gallon Freshwater Turtle Tank
          120 Gallon Reef
          58 Gallon SPS Reef
          57 Gallon Mixed reef
          6 Gallon Fluval Edge Planted tank


          • #6
            I imagine you've seen this, but check here:

            74 pages of Edgy goodness. There are a few "diy" posts of people mutilating their Edge's for the greater good, including the inclusion (l2english), of canister filters and C02.


            • #7
              Thanks Crude, that thread is why I have an Edge =)
              300 Gallon Freshwater Turtle Tank
              120 Gallon Reef
              58 Gallon SPS Reef
              57 Gallon Mixed reef
              6 Gallon Fluval Edge Planted tank


              • #8
                So you are upgrading from the halogen Lights to LED. Are the 6gs available with LEDs yet? Are the replacements equivalent or even better than the stock LEDs? I know they're an improvement over the halogens.


                • #9
                  Correct, I replaced the halogen Lights with $6 LED from I know that Fish Gallery has the new 6 gallon and 12 gallon Edges with LEDs but they are not $99. I am not sure about how the stock LEDs compare to the LEDs from Amazon.
                  Last edited by gotfrogs; 11-08-2011, 11:16 PM.
                  300 Gallon Freshwater Turtle Tank
                  120 Gallon Reef
                  58 Gallon SPS Reef
                  57 Gallon Mixed reef
                  6 Gallon Fluval Edge Planted tank


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by gotfrogs View Post
                    I have a really nice regulator, aluminum tank and electronic solenoid from a calcium reactor that I was no longer using. I just need to figure out how to route the tubing from under the counter to the tank. I want this to be a very clean insitilation without any of the equipment exposed.
                    So you're adding injected CO2; very nice! As long as the lights you're putting in are strong enough, the plants are going to do great in the setup.

                    How are you going to manage the CO2 level? While a pH controller would be overkill for such a small tank, your setup is so slick, it would be the next logical progression. But at least be sure to get a nano drop checker. You can put it in a place where you can see it, but it's hidden from normal view.

                    What about fertilizers? I recommend using dry ferts, but in a tank so small, you can get away with some of the liquid alternatives out there. But with the setup you're creating, I think dry ferts would be best.

                    Be sure to take pics as the tank grows. It's going to be fun to watch this tank come to life!

                    • 90g Planted - Journal - New Pics Mar23
                    • 75g Planted - Journal (on PT)
                    • 29g Planted - Journal
                    • 29g Planted
                    • 5g Planted RCS


                    • #11
                      I have a pH controller but do not have an easy way to get run the pH probe to the controller so I don't think I will go that route. What dry ferts do you recommend on a small tank that will contain crystal shrimp?
                      300 Gallon Freshwater Turtle Tank
                      120 Gallon Reef
                      58 Gallon SPS Reef
                      57 Gallon Mixed reef
                      6 Gallon Fluval Edge Planted tank


                      • #12
                        Something tells me you'll figure out a way to handle the CO2 levels, with or without a controller.

                        The ferts have no effect on the shrimp. Check out the ferts from Green Leaf:
                        GLA is a leading planted aquarium brand specializing in aquarium CO2 systems, aquarium plant fertilizer and live freshwater plants. Start your planted tank with our made in USA and lifetime warranty bespoke collections.

                        I use the Green Fertilizer Package, but you can probably do just fine with the Plantex CSM+B or even the PMDD Pre-Mix. They will last you forever so whichever you buy, this will be all you'll need for years. Very cheap this way and highly effective. With injected CO2 and good lighting, your plants will grow like crazy.

                        Be sure to start using the CO2 and ferts from the very start or you could run into algae issues. If the plants are missing anything, that will cause an imbalance which will hamper plant growth and encourage algae growth.

                        • 90g Planted - Journal - New Pics Mar23
                        • 75g Planted - Journal (on PT)
                        • 29g Planted - Journal
                        • 29g Planted
                        • 5g Planted RCS


                        • #13
                          Very cool looking set-up. I like your choice of plants, though I'd recommend using some bottled water or mix it with your tap (if you have hard tap where you're at). A couple of your plants do better in softer water from what I've read (I've never kept them though). Of course, your CO2 may help with some of that.

                          I look forward to seeing it planted up. :)
                          Houston Area Aquatic Plant Society
                          Also follow us on Facebook and APC


                          • #14
                            Complexity - I am going to order the Green Fertilizer Packagetonight but should I also get a drop checker? I already have a pH meter and have no problem testing the water for KH (and GH). I am not sure I want another thing in the tank to distract from the plants and shrimp. What are considered a good brand of KH and GH freshwater test kits? I have always used Salifer and Elos test kits for my reef tanks.

                            davemonkey - I plan on using RO/DI water. I may also add Fluval Shrimp Mineral Supplement but have not ordered any yet.
                            300 Gallon Freshwater Turtle Tank
                            120 Gallon Reef
                            58 Gallon SPS Reef
                            57 Gallon Mixed reef
                            6 Gallon Fluval Edge Planted tank


                            • #15
                              I never used my KH and GH tests very often so I'd have to look at what's out there again to offer a recommendation. Generally, I use API and Seachem brands so if they have the tests, then those are probably pretty good.

                              Yeah, I'd suggest getting a nano drop checker. It's good to at least get things going. You will want to push the CO2 to 30ppm without going over it, and the only way to really know when you've reached that level is with a drop checker. By using a pH controller, you can control things with the pH once you have things stabilized so you can remove the drop checker in the long run, but you'll want it to start with. They're pretty cheap and the nano drop checkers are nice looking and small.

                              Just checked, and the nano drop checker on Green Leaf is a bit pricey (but the nice ones are costly):
                              GLA is a leading planted aquarium brand specializing in aquarium CO2 systems, aquarium plant fertilizer and live freshwater plants. Start your planted tank with our made in USA and lifetime warranty bespoke collections.

                              There looks to be some options on ebay you might want to consider:
                              Get the best deals for Nano Drop Checker at We have a great online selection at the lowest prices with Fast & Free shipping on many items!

                              You can always put it in the back where the plants hide it from normal view, but you can see it by moving the plants out of the way. The main thing is to get the CO2 amounts established. Once you get it set, you can remove it and put it in only when you have to adjust the CO2 again.

                              • 90g Planted - Journal - New Pics Mar23
                              • 75g Planted - Journal (on PT)
                              • 29g Planted - Journal
                              • 29g Planted
                              • 5g Planted RCS

