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6 Gallon Planted Fluval Edge Shrimp Tank - Build Thread

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  • #61
    Congrats , Set up is looking great !
    Don't tell fish stories where people know you; but particularly, don't tell them where they know the fish.
    Mark Twain


    • #62
      Fish and shrimp are doing great. I am still battling algae and keeping the plants happy but hopefully that will change if I keep up my water changes.
      300 Gallon Freshwater Turtle Tank
      120 Gallon Reef
      58 Gallon SPS Reef
      57 Gallon Mixed reef
      6 Gallon Fluval Edge Planted tank


      • #63
        Razor blades work wonders on algae, just watch out for seams on tanks lol. I ordered my plants and bulbs from a guy in Indonesia shhhh on ebay once and rinsed in light salt water because as some of you remember I already breed snails like crazy because someone "donated" a few of theirs on locally grown plants. Anyway... Those plants grew amazingly well in a tank which gets no ferts, no CO2, nothing except fish even has a fluorescent bulb that isn't even rated for plants. I don't know exactly what the secret is, but one difference for me from most... is that I have a well...
        5.5 fw fluval chi - class N top bar snake chested endlers/ red marble bn/ 4 stripe RCS/ pumpkin shrimp
        20 sw cube - a few damsels and a colony of bristleworms
        29 fw - self cloning crayfish..which can't seem to clone haha
        29 fw - mollies / albino bristlenose / ghost shrimp and snowball shrimp/ glo danios
        29 fw - crs/ amano/tiger shrimp /assassins/ whiptails/ plants/ 3 emerald cories
        55 fw - steatocranus casaurius (20ish)/ tetras/ rainbows/large Jack Dempsey
        75 fw - large Jack Dempseys / pictus cat/ yoyo loach/ Red gippicep
        / 10+" oscar/ parrot


        • #64
          Alter your dosing regime and constant water changes.

          You shouldn't need much ferts on initial start up if thats aquasoil.
          700g Mini-Monster tank


          • #65
            He said it is shrimp soil of some sort.... I am too tired to go back and find it... Is that the same thing? I didn't think it was...
            5.5 fw fluval chi - class N top bar snake chested endlers/ red marble bn/ 4 stripe RCS/ pumpkin shrimp
            20 sw cube - a few damsels and a colony of bristleworms
            29 fw - self cloning crayfish..which can't seem to clone haha
            29 fw - mollies / albino bristlenose / ghost shrimp and snowball shrimp/ glo danios
            29 fw - crs/ amano/tiger shrimp /assassins/ whiptails/ plants/ 3 emerald cories
            55 fw - steatocranus casaurius (20ish)/ tetras/ rainbows/large Jack Dempsey
            75 fw - large Jack Dempseys / pictus cat/ yoyo loach/ Red gippicep
            / 10+" oscar/ parrot


            • #66
              Same difference almost.

              Shrimp/plant substrate which alters water params will be more potent on initial start up.
              700g Mini-Monster tank


              • #67
                I lost my last male endler the other day. Not sure why, he seemed healthy and the females are doing fine. I did a 50% water change today and picked up 7 cherry crystal shrimp from TxSun. They look great and should add some excitement to the tank.
                300 Gallon Freshwater Turtle Tank
                120 Gallon Reef
                58 Gallon SPS Reef
                57 Gallon Mixed reef
                6 Gallon Fluval Edge Planted tank


                • #68
                  Originally posted by gotfrogs View Post
                  I did a 50% water change today and picked up 7 cherry crystal shrimp from TxSun. They look great and should add some excitement to the tank.
                  What are cherry crystal shrimp? I never seen those. Did you mean crystal red shrimp or red cherry shrimp? I am new at shrimp.
                  75g Tank,
                  2- Wild Scalare Angel 2-wild Angel snakeskin, 2-half blue half black Angels, 5-Guianacara Geayi, 4- Blue Rams(1m/3f), 1- L144, 1- Pleco unknown type 1-Blue Neon Goby
                  2.5g Mini Monter - Shrimp Tank
                  10-RCS, 1-Red Sakura 5-Malawa, 8-Boraras Brigittie, 1-Adonis Pleco, 1-Zebra Nerite, 1-Horned Nerite
                  10g Tank
                  Hospital 2-F. Endlers

                  2-29g Empty Tank, 20L Empty Tank , 125g Empty Tank[SIGPIC]sigpic


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by R_sustaita View Post
                    What are cherry crystal shrimp? I never seen those. Did you mean crystal red shrimp or red cherry shrimp? I am new at shrimp.
                    Yes, crystal red shrimp =)
                    300 Gallon Freshwater Turtle Tank
                    120 Gallon Reef
                    58 Gallon SPS Reef
                    57 Gallon Mixed reef
                    6 Gallon Fluval Edge Planted tank


                    • #70
                      What grade man, where did you get them. Im looking for some.
                      75g Tank,
                      2- Wild Scalare Angel 2-wild Angel snakeskin, 2-half blue half black Angels, 5-Guianacara Geayi, 4- Blue Rams(1m/3f), 1- L144, 1- Pleco unknown type 1-Blue Neon Goby
                      2.5g Mini Monter - Shrimp Tank
                      10-RCS, 1-Red Sakura 5-Malawa, 8-Boraras Brigittie, 1-Adonis Pleco, 1-Zebra Nerite, 1-Horned Nerite
                      10g Tank
                      Hospital 2-F. Endlers

                      2-29g Empty Tank, 20L Empty Tank , 125g Empty Tank[SIGPIC]sigpic


                      • #71
                        I think you need a lot more plant mass, all those nutrients (light, co2, ferts) but no plants..

                        I wouldn't even dose ferts until you think you are at around 50-60% plant uptake (cover).

                        When I start new tanks, I generally slam pack them with cheap fast growing stems like h. difformis, rotatalas, h. polysperma, then replace them with plants I end up wanting to keep. Polysperma and Difformis grow amazingly fast, and soak up tons of nutrients.
                        Last edited by digitallinh; 02-18-2012, 11:24 PM.


                        • #72
                          Originally posted by digitallinh View Post
                          When I start new tanks, I generally slam pack them with cheap fast growing stems like h. difformis, rotatalas, h. polysperma, then replace them with plants I end up wanting to keep.
                          +1 Plant mass is crucial to getting things in balance, especially with new tanks.

                          • 90g Planted - Journal - New Pics Mar23
                          • 75g Planted - Journal (on PT)
                          • 29g Planted - Journal
                          • 29g Planted
                          • 5g Planted RCS


                          • #73
                            I will be trimming my Staurogyne Repens in a couple weeks, I'd be happy to send you some stems if you're interested...

                            sometimes called Staurogyne Tropica, its a really versatile plant, you can make it bushy/groundcover/tall, etc.


                            • #74
                              If you ever have any extra stems to spare, I would enjoy giving it a try. Looks like a really nice plant!

                              • 90g Planted - Journal - New Pics Mar23
                              • 75g Planted - Journal (on PT)
                              • 29g Planted - Journal
                              • 29g Planted
                              • 5g Planted RCS


                              • #75
                                will do, I'll post somewhere next time I trim, I usually throw away my plants, but I hate throwing this one away, since I like it so much! my next trim will probably involve about 10-15 small stems, but thats more than enough to start your very own farm.

