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Feedback for planted tank noob...

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  • Feedback for planted tank noob...

    Hi guys - I was hoping you could give me some constructive feedback on a tank I'm thinking of setting up.

    I have previously kept African cichlids and saltwater FOWLR tanks, but have never had a planted tank. After being out of the hobby for several years (kids are a little older now, so I can now dedicate time to a tank), I want to seat up a tank again.

    I have always loved planted tanks and am looking to start with a 120 or 180gal. I'm thinking of using a bonus check to buy the set up through one of the Houston area major fish stores/services. Can you please let me know if the equipment list looks sufficient, or if I'm wasting my time with an item, etc. Also, any reasons why I should consider NOT doing this planted tank (looking to do South American with discus as the feature) and just do a saltwater FOWLR again??

    Eheim 2260
    T5 HO 4 lamp (not sure of the brand right now - I think AquaticLife)
    Jaguar true temp heater
    Milwaukee CO2 regulator
    10lb aluminum CO2 bottle
    Fluval ceramic CO2 diffuser
    Fluval plant stratum
    50 lbs of sand

    Thanks for the feedback!

  • #2
    Might be a little low on sand. And if your going south american I would stick with SA plants due to the higher temps that they can tolerate. SA fish require that muggy hot eaters temps. If you are going discus route you might want to add an air pump and stone. It will scrub out some of your co2, but co2 is cheaper than a discus if you have to replace one or the other. Plants like water flow too. Just my 2 cents.


    • #3
      Just a personal preference, but over diffusers I would get a check valve, bubble counter(look on ebay for a $10 glass one) and an inline atomizer. It takes one more thing away from the display, injects CO2 way more efficiently, and you won't have to clean it as you would a diffuser. You'll also need legit CO2 tubing.


      Have you considered a Hydor inline heater?


      • #4
        depending on the dimensions of the tank and what light level of plants you will use, you may end up needing more bulbs but starting with four and working up is good. you might even get a six tube fixture and only tube four spots so you can upgrade more cheaply if you decide too. i am going the inline co2 reactor route this time too but i have also had good results with the co2 injecting into the impeller of a wavemaker powerhead that is placed low in the aquarium
        75G Standard - High Light Planted Community Fish
        28G Aquapod - Medium Light Planted Shrimp & Microrasboras
        12G Eclipse - Bonsai Planted Betta & Shrimp
        29G Standard - Vivarium w/ Red Devil Crabs
        45G Exo-Terra - Terrarium w/ Hermit Crabs (in progress)
        33G Cubish - Vivarium w/ D.auratus 'blue & bronze'

        GHAC Member

