This magazine is outstanding and features informative articles and lush pictures on good quality paper. the topics are about freshwater tropical flora and fauna from around the world and a third of each magazine is devoted to the cover topic. this month is breeding L-cats, next issue looks like dwarf shrimp and the next freshwater plants. its 8 bucks a bi-monthly issue at B&N with a suscription offer of 29$ a year. they are offering an insert for gift subsciptions at 20$ a year after the initial subscription but that deal is not on their website:
customer service is looking into extending that gift offer through the website so if it can be done online and anyone wants to paypal me the 20$ and their address, i will be happy to extend that offer to you. the subscriptions will include the charter issue if ordered soon.
customer service is looking into extending that gift offer through the website so if it can be done online and anyone wants to paypal me the 20$ and their address, i will be happy to extend that offer to you. the subscriptions will include the charter issue if ordered soon.