I have a refugium that i am using for my cichlid tank, and it has turn up very good, it is a shrimp and snail tank and planted, but I was uising a single CFL light bulb for the whole tank, which I am sure it is very low.
So I decided to make my self a ligthing fixture with 4 T5 24inch no HO light tubes, not not sure if the watts will be good or did I added to many, the T5 light tubes I currently have are the ones that came with the fixture rated at 14Watts, but that is all the info it has, would the 56Watts be ok for the 20 long and also which light bulbs should i replaced them with?
So I decided to make my self a ligthing fixture with 4 T5 24inch no HO light tubes, not not sure if the watts will be good or did I added to many, the T5 light tubes I currently have are the ones that came with the fixture rated at 14Watts, but that is all the info it has, would the 56Watts be ok for the 20 long and also which light bulbs should i replaced them with?