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  • #16
    I've always had potassium and nitrogen low when I had gsa.
    700g Mini-Monster tank


    • #17
      Hey guys. Sorry it took me so long to respond. It's been kinda hectic, with the folks in town from California.

      Originally posted by eklikewhoa View Post
      It might be coming from your water source

      How long do you have the photo-period set at?
      Photoperiod is at 8 hours, sometimes 9. Don't have it on a timer because my CO2 setup isn't fancy enough for a timer as well.
      All bleeding stops eventually...


      • #18
        Originally posted by digitallinh View Post
        I'd overdose phosphates (3-4ppm), see if it clears.

        What's your fertilizing schedule? How much c02 are you pumping through? seems to be a lot of c02 even for 2 CF lights, I imagine they are the fluval CFs?
        Yes, they're the Fluval lights that come with the Flora. It only comes with one 13W, so I added another. I'm doing about 1 bubble/second of CO2 starting 30 minutes before lights come on and stopping 30 minutes before lights go off, total 8ish hours a day. I use Seachem root tabs, Excel once a week, Seachem nitrogen/potassium/phosphorus once a week dosed in the middle of the photoperiod.
        All bleeding stops eventually...


        • #19
          Originally posted by Darbex View Post
          I wouldn't mess with nutrients. Phosphates promote algae growth if it's more than the plants can take in. Only things I would mess is carbon, water changes, and getting algae eaters.
          Thanks Brian. I do have otos in the tank, and yellow shrimp. I do small water changes every couple weeks only because the bioload is so small that I end up having to dose nitrogen just so the plants don't get stunted or yellow out. I'm adding more fish slowly over the next few weeks.

          The other thing is that I only have a sponge Fluval filter running on the tank. Could that contribute?
          All bleeding stops eventually...


          • #20
            Btw, from what I've read on the subject, nerites seem to be the best option against GSP because of its tough consistency.


            • #21
              Originally posted by SunnyHouTX View Post
              Btw, from what I've read on the subject, nerites seem to be the best option against GSP because of its tough consistency.
              Won't my assassins eat 'em?
              All bleeding stops eventually...


              • #22
                Not sure they would


                • #23
                  Originally posted by SunnyHouTX View Post
                  Not sure they would
                  They do from what I've been reading, esp if they're hungry and there aren't any ramshorn or MTS in the tank. I'd love to have some nerites though.
                  All bleeding stops eventually...


                  • #24
                    So increasing PO4 and CO2 dosing and your assasins should do the trick. Nerites are cool.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by SunnyHouTX View Post
                      So increasing PO4 and CO2 dosing and your assasins should do the trick. Nerites are cool.
                      Yeah man. I doubled my CO2 and my phos dosing today and kept the nitrogen and potassium and excel the same. We shall see! As far as what's already on the plant leaves, I don't think I'll be able to be rid of it but if I can prevent more growth, I'd be very happy!
                      All bleeding stops eventually...


                      • #26
                        I was mistaken... use to dose EI so the P04 threw me off a bit.. what is your dosing routine btw?
                        700g Mini-Monster tank


                        • #27
                          Overfeeding would take up the slack for that though, still confusing, been soo long since I've had to deal with dosing.
                          700g Mini-Monster tank


                          • #28
                            I kept nerites in my troph tank with assassins and didn't have a single mts since the start and have not seen any empty nerite shells. Their trapdoor protects them.
                            700g Mini-Monster tank


                            • #29
                              Update: I doubled my CO2 and phosphate dosing and feeding since earlier in the week, and already the GSA is at bay. Thanks guys!! It looks much better. Q, since your nerites have been ok with the assassins, I'll give 'em a shot to take care of the GSA that's already on the plant leaves.
                              All bleeding stops eventually...


                              • #30

