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Xmas moss problem

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  • Xmas moss problem

    I have xmass moss and I have black stuff I think is from the moss on my other plants and on the glass please help

    30 gallon
    : 15 lambchop rasbora , apistogramma cacatuoides (orange) pair, pearl guorami, sterbai cory cat, siamese algae eater, ottos, bristlenose pleco, snails, and lots of plants.

  • #2
    I am assuming this is Black Brush Algae, perhaps do a search for images and you can confirm. If it is indeed BBA, there are a variety oof methods to control and eliminate it. Some are effective and some are not, it depends upon your own tank and conditions. Here is a link to control it.

    Control of Red Algae in the Freshwater Aquarium
    In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
    Desiderius Erasmus
    GHAC President


    • #3
      Yep that is it thank you I'll try what you posted

      30 gallon
      : 15 lambchop rasbora , apistogramma cacatuoides (orange) pair, pearl guorami, sterbai cory cat, siamese algae eater, ottos, bristlenose pleco, snails, and lots of plants.

