My CO2 setup died not too long ago and I have been working too much to set it up again. Since I stupidly didnt adjust my lighting schedule *boom goes the algae*. Mostly hair and a great deal of what i guess is called staghorn...that was a new one for me. This stuff went nuts. I added more oticinclus, a group of 5 SAE, black mollies, ruby barbs...nothing! They just couldnt keep up. I added 9 true Amano shrimp (caridina multidentata, not those silly 'algae eating shrimp' that some stores are passing off as amanos) and they vanished. I had had filter problems as well so I assumed the water wasnt right for them. Apparently it wasnt cuz they all seemed to have molted and then hid out in the heavily stocked tank for a couple weeks. Then after two weeks I started to see the staghorn disappearing. i finally flicked the lights on early one day and see that 7 have made it, it took them 5 days to clean up a heavily algaefied 75 gallon after they became active again. the females come out in the light but the males are shy, my congo tetra looks to big to them i suppose but doesnt bother them unless they are flicking around. i imagine the two that i lost may have flicked out one night. i got mine from HAW and a GHAC member, I still highly recommmend them over they more trendy solutions.
On a side note, I have never been a fan of flourish excel. i assumed it was snakewater like all the other fizz tabs and liquid additives from the past. it is great for a plant dip or as a fungicide but i never even considered it as an alternative to co2 injection. i have been using it religiously for 10 days now and it has arrested the algae growth, my stem plants and vals are going nuts. i dont get pearling at the dosages on the bottle and i dont think that i will stay with just excel fertilization, but it is a great stopgap and i will likely keep adding some at lower intervals once the co2 is online again.
On a side note, I have never been a fan of flourish excel. i assumed it was snakewater like all the other fizz tabs and liquid additives from the past. it is great for a plant dip or as a fungicide but i never even considered it as an alternative to co2 injection. i have been using it religiously for 10 days now and it has arrested the algae growth, my stem plants and vals are going nuts. i dont get pearling at the dosages on the bottle and i dont think that i will stay with just excel fertilization, but it is a great stopgap and i will likely keep adding some at lower intervals once the co2 is online again.