Finally finished or came close to finishing my 30g long that I am setting up for Mainly Livebearer's/community tank.
30g Long Oceanic
Eheim 2217
25lbs of Walnut gravel
Native driftwood from HLA auction mounted to slate
Limestone boulders
Xmas moss
Anubias nana petite
Java fern windelov
Want to keep the tank low maintenance/low light so no ferts, low light when I find it, no co2.
30g Long Oceanic
Eheim 2217
25lbs of Walnut gravel
Native driftwood from HLA auction mounted to slate
Limestone boulders
Xmas moss
Anubias nana petite
Java fern windelov
Want to keep the tank low maintenance/low light so no ferts, low light when I find it, no co2.