So I found this outside of Fry's Electronics today while I was leaving after getting my camera. The shape was too good for me to pass up since I don't see this too often. Going to clean it out and I plan on making a bonsai type thing on it. What do yall suggest I use for the leaves on this tree? I've used Java Moss on some other wood but I really want to make this one look like a tree.
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i am using willow moss but it either doesnt like the lights i have or its not liking excel. i may try fissidens fontinalis75G Standard - High Light Planted Community Fish
28G Aquapod - Medium Light Planted Shrimp & Microrasboras
12G Eclipse - Bonsai Planted Betta & Shrimp
29G Standard - Vivarium w/ Red Devil Crabs
45G Exo-Terra - Terrarium w/ Hermit Crabs (in progress)
33G Cubish - Vivarium w/ D.auratus 'blue & bronze'
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